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Is the cup half empty or half full?

by Vee (follow)
Personality (24)      Philosophy (16)      Beliefs (6)     

Image by LuciaSofo, 2009

This is a common expression each of us has often heard. Our response to it, and the situations it is used to describe, is likely to have us labelled a pessimist or an optimist.

Which one are you?

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Top Answers
The cup is sometimes half full and sometimes half empty -it all depends on my mood, but perhaps more half full than empty!
by Finy
Half FULL!
Indeed. Always
Half FULL!
by Rice
by jonaja
I'm with jonaj, the glass is always half full.
Half full , life is much easier to cope with then. Still have the same challenges and disappointments that happen in a life but I don't make them harder by being negative in a glass half empty kind of way.
well said. :)
by jonaja
I am an eternal optimist so the glass is always half full for me! (Much to the annoyance of many :-))
I have learnt it to see it as half full.Difficult at times but try to keep at it.
I'm a half full person most of the time.
As this test is used to determine our attitude as either an optomist or pessimist , I can say I am a half full person. I know I generally have an optomistic attitude and see the best in others intentions.
In real life, if I was give a half cup of tea ...I would say- It's only half full.....so what does that say about my attitude?
I'm a glass half full person. I don't like pessimists.
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