Is the cup half empty or half full?
Image by LuciaSofo, 2009
This is a common expression each of us has often heard. Our response to it, and the situations it is used to describe, is likely to have us labelled a pessimist or an optimist.
Which one are you?
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The cup is sometimes half full and sometimes half empty -it all depends on my mood, but perhaps more half full than empty!
Indeed. Always
Half FULL!
I'm with jonaj, the glass is always half full.
Half full , life is much easier to cope with then. Still have the same challenges and disappointments that happen in a life but I don't make them harder by being negative in a glass half empty kind of way.
I am an eternal optimist so the glass is always half full for me! (Much to the annoyance of many :-))
I have learnt it to see it as half full.Difficult at times but try to keep at it.
I'm a half full person most of the time.
As this test is used to determine our attitude as either an optomist or pessimist , I can say I am a half full person. I know I generally have an optomistic attitude and see the best in others intentions.
In real life, if I was give a half cup of tea ...I would say- It's only half what does that say about my attitude?
I'm a glass half full person. I don't like pessimists.
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