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Is renewable energy really too expensive?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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wind turbines, renewable energy, environment

Governments keep saying that many forms of renewable energy are just too expensive to carry out, yet they spend billions on projects that are harmful to the environment - wanting new airports, railways, fracking, etc. It seems that if anything that damages the environment, but has the potential for economic growth or making the country a global power, then it is perfectly acceptable to spend as much as they like on it. Anything that is purely for the environment isn't worth it.

Projects for renewable energy are expensive, but in comparison, are they really too expensive?

#Renewable Energy
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Renewable energy is not "too expensive", in fact it's much cheaper than what will inevitably become of the world if renewable energy sources are not tapped into.
by Vee
It's not too expensive.. the cost of not doing it might be catastrophic.
The cost of the environmental damage is far beyond the cost of bringing in more renewable energy. In my opinion, expense is just an excuse for politicians who would rather be focussing on Capitalist goals.
I really have no idea how expensive this is.
I believe it is extremely expensive to set up, and I can imagine that it would be, however more than that, and without seeing TRUE figures, I cannot say.
by Finy
No,I think it is cheaper and cost effective.
No - I don't think so.
Renewable energy is expensive in the short run, but the benefits/ savings will be derived over the long run. So it Will work out cheaper than conventional sources overtime.
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