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Is organically grown fruit and veg really better for you?

by grann (follow)
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Are organically grown fruit and veg really better for you? You can usually find heated debate from people on both sides of the fence, but what do you think?

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Although it's substantially more expensive, it's definitely better for you as it's grown without the potentially toxic pesticides, herbicides and growth hormones, unlike conventionally grown produce. The more natural (ie: chemical-free) our food is, the healthier we'll be...it's common sense. I'd rather eat an apple (or any kind of fruit or veg) that has a few marks on it than a perfectly smooth unblemished item covered in all sorts of chemical gunk that's completely invisible.

Of course, if we choose to follow an organic diet it's important to be certain that what we're buying IS actually organic, and therefore that we're not getting ripped off. Purchase your produce from a reputable organic shop, direct from a certified organic grower, or best of all, grow your own organic fruit and vegetables, if you have the time and space in your yard.
Organic food is better for the environment, and that is why people are encouraged to buy organic. I do not believe it is better for you or worse for you to be honest. Some people say using pesticides is bad for you, others say not using pesticides risks getting bugs in your food. It's one of those scare tactics that both sides use. But you know what? Have you noticed people eat both, and neither appear to be better or worse off.

If are willing to spend extra to help the environment then great, but there is no benefit one way of or the other to you health wise.
I eat a mix of supermarket veg and some straight from my garden sans additives. As a plant pathologist, my husband knows just what to use to keep the bugs away but chooses not to. On the other hand, he maintains that as long as you wash your purchased fruit and veg well, there are no problems, and certainly the goodness contained within is no different. Quite often I find the organically grown veg are most unattractive looking and appear to have been kept on the shelf for a long period of time. They are not necessarily tastier either.
by grann
Organic fruit does taste better. It is great to grow in the garden, and I have my aunty to thank for that.
Love the photo!

I'm not sure about organic veg bought at markets and other places. I gather it's not that they use no pesticides at all, but that there are only certain ones they are allowed to use and those are not necessarily the safest or most efficient. Mostly it's just too expensive for my budget anyway.

There's also an argument to be made that organic farming is elitist because it is less efficient so it feeds far fewer people for much more money. We can't possibly feed the world using only organic farming methods as things are at the moment.

Fruit and veg you grow yourself in your backyard is another matter. Then you can actually know exactly how it's grown and whether you sprayed it with anything or not, plus there is a feel good factor with growing your own fod.
I am not sure how much difference it makes - there have been so many different reports it's hard to know. But I do think that in a lot of cases organic fruit tastes better.
I don't know. Honestly, there is no concrete proof that organic food is better. If it's pesticides and chemicals, I think you can spend more time washing the food, or use some special cleaning products for fruits and vegetables.
Organic is healthier to produce and consume. It has no toxicity nor side effects. Plus, it supports the food multiple webs. Therefore, I recommend growing it indoors or at least in a greenhouse. You'll perform better physically and intellectual, and feel better emotionally after being grown on this.
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