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Is luck necessary in life?

by Sasha (follow)

Photo: Stuart Miles - www.freedigitalphotos.net

Do we need luck to come up in life. Is luck imperative to succeed? Do we use luck to coax ourselves in times of failure in a competition?
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I believe in Fate.
Some call it Luck...If you have a close call with a bus,someone may say 'You were Lucky it didn't hit you''.
Fate = It was not your time to die....Luck is just a word, that has taken over Fate.
Oh yes...I firmly believe that. Sometimes you just need a little luck. Like the time when you spill something on your shirt before you leave for work, only to find that you had it on inside out! That was lucky!
I believe you create your own life by your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Sometimes people see others as being lucky, but I think those people are simply in tune with their energy and higher power.
I think we make our own luck. If you look loosely at the person who seems to have luck, you'll notice that usually they work harder than others or have some trait like friendliness that somehow makes them more lucky. What you put out is mostly what you get.
yes I believe we need some luck sometimes. Luck is real in a sense because it is random.
I think luck plays a definite part in life.
Whilst it is not imperative to succeed in life, I think it also helps.

I think luck also plays a part in a competition, depending on what type it is.
by Finy
Yes I believe in luck. But hardwork is equally important.
Yes I believe in luck. But hardwork is equally important.
Everything has both sides. Sometimes I got luck or some people think I got luck, but almost at the same time, I lost other things that they never know.
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