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Is laser hair removal safe?

by SupahAnnie (follow)
Hi, I'm a friendly Stay at home Mum with a background in childcare. I love writing, reading and talking! Please view more of my articles through these links: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com.au/profile/300618/ www.mothersgroupmagazine.com, supahannieblog.wordpress.com/ https:/ www.facebook.com/annie.krempin convozine.com/supahannie/ Jenneke.com.au
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Laser hair removal sounds great. Being hair free permanently would make life so much easier! No more razors, cuts, painful waxing, expensive hair removal creams, no next day stubble. Always ready to wear a mini skirt or a bikini, sounds like heaven.

Laser hair removal, beauty, hair free, razors, medical, safe, cancer

I know laser can be expensive but if it worked surely that is worth it?

But is it safe? Powerful lasers being directed at different parts of your body is a bit of a worry!

Have you had it done? How did it go, was it worth it?

Could it cause cancer? Are there side effects?

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I know women that have had it done and rave about it. But I just wonder about the side effects in the long term, like in the future?

I have asked a couple of Doctors about it and they couldn't say for sure either way. This is because laser hair removal hasn't been around for very long so we just can't know what the long term effects could be!! There is simply not enough evidence, data and statics yet for anyone to really know.
You need to do your research/check references to be sure. Sometimes with machines, they can burn and/or irritate your skin.
Laser hair removal seems to be safe. I have gone through it 5 years back and no problems till date. However, it is not 'removal', it is 'reduction'. The laser targets melanin, so if you have a dark or tanned skin then the procedure can be painful. The procedure does not remove the hair follicles completely but retards its activity. The new hair is very fine, like baby hair. Sometimes it can even be plucked off with hand. I was advised by my dermatologist, future hair removal from treated area can only be shaved, not waxed or threaded.
I am not sure if it's safe. This is why I haven't got it done myself.
by BK
I would imagine there'd be side effects from long term use.
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