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Is it safe to go swimming at the beach alone?

by annep (follow)
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A picnic at the beach with friends and family is many people's favourite summer activities. However, for those who plan to go to the beach alone for a swim, do you think it is safe? What are the necessary precautions for solo travellers?

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I think it really depends on your age, experience, and how safe the area is. I guess the rule applies to anyone planning to travel alone, actually. Another thing with going swimming alone is that it might be inconvenient. You have to care for your belongings alone, and it might not be that fun having to look out for yourself when you're in the water.
If you are a local and used to doing that since years then maybe safe. But overall if someone atleast knows you are out there, I feel it will be useful in case of any calamity
I think it depends on the type of beach. You'd be fine to go swimming alone in a calm bay, but there is no way I'd recommend you go swimming at a beach with waves.
by Vee
It's safe if the person is over say 16.
Also that the person knows how to swim, look out for sharks, and swim in between the flags.No going out too far.

Also that you don't swim at a beach....with no one around.That is asking for trouble, big time.

You should also tell someone at home, where you are going.

Absolutely. The only thing i'd be worried about is my belongings. Just make sure everything is packed under a towel really well.
As for the swimming part, if you know how to swim and stay within the safety flags there is no problem.
Any body of water is a potential danger. Common sense is the key.
If you are a good swimmer, then its perfectly fine to go alone to the beach.
If you are a good swimmer, then its perfectly fine to go alone to the beach.
I agree with all the comments here. Plus, I don't think it's a good idea for girls/women to go to the beach alone say, during the week, you can end up being on the beach solo - and there are always opportunists everywhere. And, even if you are normally fleet of foot, running on the sand, dry sand, is a very different story !
Not a real good idea, however I have done it in the past and it depends on several things.
by Finy
As im not a very good swimmer I would never swim in seawater alone. There is always some animal chasing me and I dont feel safe. Even if you are a good swimmer you're still better off with a swimming partner.
Very stupid to be on a beach by oneself, let alone swimming.

Waterways, whilst 'inviting' hold dangers'.

There're so many things to consider, the minimal being one's SAFETY, in that environment.

If at night-time, well, that's a whole different kettle of fish, & not in a good way.

I remember when going to the then TPNG, in 1965, the brochure, & 'lecture' I received from the TAA Consultant, about NOT being on a beach alone, at ANYTIME, & what I had to wear.

I can remember, as if it were yesterday, such was its' mpact on me as a very young person.
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