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Is it possible for a teenage pupil to groom a teacher for sex?

by VerityG (follow)
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school girl teenager man teacher affair victim grooming
“Portrait Of A Smiling Young Student” by photostock via freedigitalphotos.net

A British judge has caused a furore this week by only giving a suspended sentence to a teacher who had an affair with a pupil, who was only 15 when it started, on the grounds that the pupil groomed the teacher until he gave in.
Do you agree with the judge? Is it possible for a teenage pupil to groom a teacher for sex? Or is this just another case of victim blaming?

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Grooming is undertaken by people who should know better, not by children. Grooming as a thought process that requires adult comprehension.

Absolutely NO WAY can a teenager groom an adult because the adult is the the person in the position of power, not the 15yr old. I wonder if it was a 15yr old BOY that had flirted with a male teacher would the judge have seen it the same way.

This reeks of misogyny, victim blaming, and the way we paint women as temptresses who are out to snare unsuspecting men. It doesn't matter what a teenager does, an adult should know better. If he didn't know how to manage it he should have sought the assistance of his superior.
Well said.
I think the word 'Grooming' is causing a little confusion here.
The teengager would not have to have done a great deal.Of course the teacher is totally in the wrong, but unless you know what she did and for how long and why, you can't say it's not possible.Children younger than 13 commit murder,
cold hard murder.I have had to deal with one young man in case, don't sell ( some) young people short....If they want something, they will do whatever it takes.
The Judge called it grooming, and I am quite sure he would not stake his career, unless he was certain.

by jonaja
It's not a question of whether they're physically capable of comitting a crime, but to what extent they can be considered responsible for it given that their brains are still developing and they are not in a position of power over an adult.
As I said Jennifer I feel the Judge would know far more, and had all the information to call it what he felt it was.
by jonaja
I don't know about that particular case, but I'm sure it could happen. But, as an adult, the teacher should have enough sense to keep themselves and their pupils safe and never put themselves in compromising situations with said students.
by Vee
I thought the term "grooming" by definition applied only to adults. If a 15 year old isn't considered old enough to be responsible to make decisions like getting married, voting, joining the army etc. why should they be considered able to "groom" an adult?
I have dealt with a boy of 13, committing one of the most dreadful murders of a young child.
Grooming happens, and from the most unlikely people.
It's hard to get our thinking around such things.
Totally of course the teacher should not have allowed it to happen, but the Judge knew what it was, and he just called .
If we can have children kill other children, and in a state of clear thinking...(no accident)....then yes, it most certainly happens.
by jonaja
I find this appalling. Whatever the actions of the young girl, the teacher was in a position of trust and he abused that. He should be sentenced appropriately. The whole point of the law on a minimum legal age for sex and also the extra protection given for teenagers and teachers is that young people don't always behave in their best interests and society recognises that they need protection and guidance.
It can happen...but!
The male teacher must have been very weak minded, the student must have been mature for her 15 yrs, I have seen young girls flirt with grown men.
It's quite shameful..I could not believe they would even try at such a young age.

He had a duty, and that is to make sure the well being of the students, comes first.

Yes, it can happen, but he just lost the plot to fall for her.He is to blame, and she had her part in it also.

'Grooming' is something people don't really understand.It happens inside jails if male or female officers are not careful.
It is a talent, and done correctly can sideswipe people who did not see it coming.

In time, they believe that everything is ok, but they have been 'groomed', and it always ends in disaster.There are certain steps to 'grooming', and it takes a fair amount of time.

There is a lot more to it, and it is a cunning &
wicked way to get what you want from someone.This case is not as clear-cut as it would seem.
A teenager may well flirt with an adult, but that's not grooming, it's flirting. Using the word grooming is inappropriate in this situation.
by meggf
In your opinion.
The Judge would know quite well what the word means, he would be quite well versed with this kind of behaviour.
''Grooming'' is possible with Teenagers, the Jails are full of them.I have seen it
up close and personal...I have written letters from one that was trying to 'groom me'! his crimes were serious.
by jonaja
I'm sure it could happen.
sure can.
by jonaja
No. A child cannot groom an adult into sexual activity. This is just plain nonsense.
However, children can be trained by adults to engage other adults in sexual activity. It's called "pimping".
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