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Is it okay to work on your day off?

by lizzi (follow)
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How do you feel about people, particularly your partner, going in to work on their day off? Is this okay?

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If it happens, it happens.
We have to be mature about these things, anyway jobs are hard to come by.

As long as it is not an ongoing problem?

Some jobs have times when they are under the pump, and folk have to put in that extra.

All part of life....As I said if it were to continue for weeks at a time or months, then some hard questions need to be asked.
My partner worked a total of about 24 unpaid overtime hours over the Christmas break. To say that I was pissed off would be an understatement. I totally get that sometimes you need to do extra hours to get something done, but this meant that we were unable to have the family time I had desperately wanted. I think that it's okay to do it now and then, but if your work expect you to go in on your day off all the time then something is wrong.
I've often had to work on my day off just to get through everything. In fact it has so consistently happened with my current employer that I have resigned because of it. I have no issue with occaisional overtime but when it happens all the time you are likely under resourced and a good business will deal with that. Work life balance and health are important, the job must never be everything.
If something comes up that might just be what has to happen. I suppose it depends a bit on what your job is and whether you're actually indispensible.
Yeah but it's not a day off then :P
by gbrow
A day off is a day off. What you don't do today csn be done tomorrow.
It's too bad more employers don't have your mentality.
by Vee
Thanks. I know if they did I am sure they would get a bit more out of the employee while they are at work. A win win situation.
by gbrow
That sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?!
by Vee
Well, one should not but it doesn't always work like that. Sometimes we get into situations that we HAVE to work. Some people do it to look good and save their job. One might think family is more important than job, but job gives them money to feed the family. It is a vicious circle.
If you can definitely put it until next day, one should not do it just to impress the management . Some people are on temporary and contract roles and have no job guarantee. They worry about their jobs.

The there are another set of people who absolutely LOVE their work. It does matter a lot for them...well I guess they can wait and think if it is really necessary to do that task right then.

And then there are doctors, nurses, firemen and so many people who work for public welfare directly. They certainly cannot put it until tomorrow.

So, I think it depends on a lot of factors and there is no black and white decision in this.
by BK
I know some people who work on their day off, either to catch up or get ahead. I don't mind if that is what they want to do. I would NOT appreciate it if my husband did it.
I think this is quite OK, if its something that you do of your own volition. If you are compelled to do this as a result of the nature of your job, you should be paid overtime.
sometimes people are sick and someone on their day off may need to go into work to help out, I do think that is ok, hopefully they have nothing important they had planned to do on this day.
When you work for a Company that's 'open for business' 24/7, 365 days', it gives one a chance to gain much needed extra money, in O/T.

I did a stint, for six months only, of M-F, F/T day work, plus 4 hours S-S, each morning.

Other than that, I worked O/T every Sat morn, when possible, for 4 hours, my whole career.

That was my choice, & it fitted with our lifestyle, so no complaints from anyone.

If there was a financial 'emergency', eg new white good, or car mechanicing requirement, there was money put aside for that. Saved much anguish.

That all depends on the person -if you want to, of course it is OK
by Finy
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