I had one when a child.
One day my little grandaughter and I were out shopping o.k.
She took off and ran faster than I could catch up.
I mean she took off. BIG TIME.
Being in my mid 50's in those days, I was not very fast.
It was only the luck someone stopped her for me, but it made me see....how easy it is for little ones to get that upper hand.
What if the young Mum is pregnant again?
At 7-9 months, there is no way she could catch her little one running.
As for people who talk about leashes for dogs!
These are ''child harness'' o.k.
The child doesn't have a collar around their neck, the harness is well made so arms go thru.
The one thought I always think about is when little ones are on a very busy street with Mum, and cars are going along, it only takes 2 seconds...and that little one can run on the road...They have no idea of the danger, and you can tell them...but they do forget.