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Is it now ok to water your garden with a hose?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of Keerati / Freedigitalphotos.net

Is it ok to hose the garden these days? I'm confused because water restrictions seem to have loosened, but neighbours still have signs up saying they are using tank water. What is the consensus on this one?

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I believe you have to check with your council to see what days you are allowed to water. Your neighbor might have different watering days than you, however, your council will be able to tell you what days and times your house is allowed to water the garden. Hope that helps - had the same confusion the other day.
I think it is.
But be very careful, how much water you do use.That's something we all need to be very mindful of.I have not hear we can't, and I see people using their hoses, but they are more careful too.....which is a blessing.
here's the 'd' for hear? I left it off lol
by jonaja
With the right hose, absolutely. You want a kink free hose.
It is OK, as long as not too much water is being used. You could also time you spend watering, so you won't go overboard.
Yes, the water restrictions in most areas have been lifted. Don't go overboard, but plants can be watered. Just check with your local council if you're not sure.
This depends on where you live.
Here in Perth, we have had water restrictions for years and having had no rain for some 3 months again, we will go on having restrictions.
I believe, however you can water by hand just not using reticulation.
by Finy
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