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Is it better to marry young or wait a while?

by megha (follow)
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Do you think it’s better to get married when you’re young or better to wait a while?

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I think it is an individual thing, and it is important not to focus on biological age as the reason for marriage but instead on emotional maturity. When you have achieved that milestone then you will be ready for marriage.
I think even once you've met someone you really love, you should wait a few years before getting married. I think living together as partners for a while, to see how you get on in a long term domestic situation is best before taking the plunge. That said, there are many people who have got married within a very short time of meeting one another, and are extremely happy. There are thousands more, however, who take that plunge, and end up regretting it. Best not to rush these things.
My wife and I met at 22 and 23, and we were together for 5 years before getting married. I think it was best for us to wait. Everyone's situation is different, but I think the wait made us stronger, more secure in our relationship. It made us ready for marriage.
I think when you young and meet some one you love, it is worth waiting.
Initially you are caught up in the romance and the concept of love.
Take time to get to know the person, share experiences.
Look at your compatibility and the ability to compromise.
I do not want to be with someone who has to be right or have their own way all the time.
Soon there is love lost and you are simply house sharing.
There needs to be mutual respect, this is achieved over time.
So I will wait a while
by Zen
I have been married twice.
It is not something for the young in my opinion...it is hard work.

I say ''Go be young and have fun''!
Go travel and see the world.Make a little money, save for your married life.

About 26-27 good time to marry...Male or female
Depends on different people. Obviously you don't want to marry the wrong person. If you don't find them when you're young then wait until you do find the right person.
I don't think there is a 'one size fits all' answer to this question. I believe every couple's circumstances are different. I know of a couple that waited a month before they were married and their marriage is a good one. I believe she was twenty-one at the time. They have been together through thick and thin for over twenty-two years. On the other hand, I'm aware of couples who've waited six years and didn't even make it to the altar. Now he is approaching thirty and faced with the prospect of returning to dating.

Having said that, I also believe it is advantageous to 'live a little' before getting married. I am not saying that life ends when one gets married, but it is nice to have some life experience under one's belt before they 'take the plunge'. As jonaj has said, it is hard work, so life experience would help enrich a marriage. At least that is my opinion.
by Vee
Totally depends on the couple. Whether you wait or no, if there is mutual respect everything works
Marriage is a gamble whenever you make the decision.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it is better to never get married at all. Nobody needs the State to sanction their love, and creating all this paperwork with the State just makes it difficult to dissolve relationships later if it does not work out. I don't believe in registering your relationship (your private life) with the State - they have enough control/interference in our lives already. As for relationships when young, well isn't that a part of growing up, learning and growing and having different experiences with different people?
Marrying young spells nothing but a disaster for a unmature bride to be burdened with another unwanted pregancy.It's got nothing do with culture,religion or a country of origin.People should see that they have reached their professional goal & then they should think of starting a family ( Sml. family with no more that 2 kids ) & think of the future & providing those kids with their university education.If a family thinks that finacially they would be battling then it's best they don't have any children.You can't raise a child with Govt.subsidy as a 'married couple' or a 'grown up' can't go on living happily everafter with govet hand outs. Such people should never get married cos' you can't live on 'love' alone cos' you still got to take care of your expences.Such ill though of marriages or even relationships never last ant amids that if there are kids then it's one big disaster ally burdening on the society one way or the other.Many a well off people ( couple ) manage this where a lady has only one profession of being a mother,wife & a prisoner in their so called rich surroundings. But does anyone or even a husband ever inquire if she's really happy ? That person too would have liked to undertake study of their choice & have the satisfaction of contributing their bit to the society they are part of.
Anyway I better stop this as this topic leads in to many diffrent directions.
I think its better to marry young if you have found a mature person who is able to grow with you.
by Gia
Wait a while
by kimp
By wait I mean waiting to actually commence the married life. If by "waiting" people are referring to just a wedding day, then "whatever" - it doesn't really matter, because as soon as two people shack up togetherm they've effectively started a marriage relationship anyway - it's little different to a married couple who consummate on their wedding night - they commence living together with the same uncertainties etc about the future. If people "can't wait" and they're the type that believe in making it work, then marry rather than shack up (only delaying the wedding day) but if they're the type who believe in living together first anyway - "just in case the other one turns out to be a dud" - I'd wait for a long time to get married - about as long as the relationship will last, then you don't have all the extra mess that divorces bring.
by kimp
By wait I mean waiting to actually commence the married life. If by "waiting" people are referring to just a wedding day, then "whatever" - it doesn't really matter, because as soon as two people shack up togetherm they've effectively started a marriage relationship anyway - it's little different to a married couple who consummate on their wedding night - they commence living together with the same uncertainties etc about the future. If people "can't wait" and they're the type that believe in making it work, then marry rather than shack up (only delaying the wedding day) but if they're the type who believe in living together first anyway - "just in case the other one turns out to be a dud" - I'd wait for a long time to get married - about as long as the relationship will last, then you don't have all the extra mess that divorces bring.
by kimp
Life is a gamble. You can be young or older, immature or experienced and sometimes marriage works and sometimes it doesn't. A couple may have pre-marriage counselling and all that and it may look like they are well matched but sometimes things change. Everyone hopes it is forever when they say, 'I do', but sometimes the relationship doesn't last 'until death do us part.' That's life.
I don't think there is a wrong or right answer, everyone has different experiences, I married in my 30's and it was the first time I've ever lived with any one other than my brothers and parents,that was so different, and I fe3lt more freedom.I'm glad I waited.
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