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Is inattentiveness through cell phone use putting people in danger?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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young-women-with-cell-phone by JessicaGale via morgueFile
Image by JessicaGale via morgueFile

So often now people are walking in the streets with their eyes on their cell phones and not on the path, the people, the roads around them. It is no longer uncommon for people to walk into rubbish bins, poles, other people and to be injured. Some are even stepping in front of traffic.

Is inattentiveness through cell phone use putting people in danger?

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It worries me greatly that people focussed on their phones as they walk along are in danger of trips, falls and collisions. As I dodge around them in the shopping centre I have to resist a temptation to call "heads up".

It is a tangible problem but only part of the larger issue that people are missing a great deal of what life has to offer if only they would look up.
Yes, I think so. I think people put themselves in a lot of danger with cell phone usage while driving and walking. I have seen clips of people running into things while looking at their phones, but have also seen it in person.

My cell phone is so archaic it only calls and texts, and I am just fine with that!
Yes, it is.

I find people who look at their phone while walking infuriating, as they are completely oblivious to me and end up walking into me.
It most definitely is! I try to never use mine when I'm walking because not only is it unsafe, but people have to walk around you etc and that's kind of inconsiderate. I can't always avoid using it on the go, but if I can, I do.
A girl nearly got hit by a tram the other week
Yes and no. People are paying attention to their phones and not to where they are going so that puts them in danger. However, I can remember the days before mobile phones and there were people then who didn't pay attention to where they were going because they were too busy having a conversation with their friend or they were kicking a football or picking their nose or looking at the clouds or wondering if that was their bus coming..... basically some people don't pay attention to what they are doing, I don't think it is because of the phone but because of the person!
Yes, but those who own current technology & getting into problems with it are usually those not too 'street cred' anyway!
Got to be aware so they don't hurt others',
often saying 'WATCH where you're going'!
Eithout a doubt yes.
by Gia
yes; it worries how preoccupied people seem to be with them. I once worked in a factory and it shocked me to see so many people with 20+ years experience putting themselves and others in danger by breaking the rules and using their phones - I also saw several close calls between people and forklifts.
for sure when i get a call i step aside and answer it
Looks like this young lady didn't look!!!!!!

I just laugh, if that is how people want to live.


Definitely! I see it all the time.
People are so addicted to their phones that they cant resist answering or texting, when they should be paying attention to their surroundings. Especially a big NO NO in cars.
I don't tend to use my phone that much, and if I need to make a phone call I like to stay in one spot, but it is amazing how some of the public is glued to their phones whilst walking about, I've often wandered how people coped without them really, and I think it's quite sad!
Yes it does put people in danger. Particularly if they walk into me.
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