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Is handwriting being neglected in schools?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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A child writing by kakinksy via morgueFile
Image by Kakinsky via MorgueFile

More and more now computers are becoming part of schooling but is this at the expense of handwriting?

Do you think handwriting is being neglected in our schools in favour of keyboarding and should it be?

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This is one of my Top pet peeves!

At no time, should it ever be neglected.

I feel very strongly on this subject.

I told my son about this, and of course what was his response?

''We don't really need it''! Computers are what we need.

I said....''well one day computers may not be able to be used''?
Ever heard of a ''E.M.P.''?
Could they ever happen?....YES.

So I said to my son....while you're praying to your computer to start up, others are ''writing down vital info'' and giving to messengers to carry vital news.

''That would never happen''....he tells me!

I say, History has a very funny way of repeating....Having said all of this my youngest son is now 23, has writing is that of a 10 yr old, because of pressing buttons....and teachers even in his day not focusing on handwriting....Of course I pushed it as he grew up, but because it was not 'pushed' too much in school, I also find 'males', have a hard time writing by hand.....Bad writing from mainly 'males' is a big problem.

I have the odd time found a couple of men, who can write quite well, but that's not a good enough number in my way of thinking.

My son is not backwards, he came 1st in his year in the school for computers, so somewhere handwriting went out the window big time.
I have said to him, I will teach him even now, but guess what!
He has no interest....what a great pity.

I said to him, well stick pictures will not 'cut-it' when you one day will need to send a real message....answer that came back to me.

''Oh Mum you're soooo funny''

I wasn't trying to be funny.!

I'm not sure what they're doing in schools now. Children do need to learn to type as well as write by hand, and earlier than we learned typing when I was at school (ie. in high school). However, I think it would make sense to focus on getting a handle on handwriting first and maybe start typing in grade two or three.

Also I wanted to point out that what the older generation might perceive as "bad" handwriting may in fact just be a different style from what they are used to. I remember being made to feel bad as a child about my "poor" writing by people who were used to copperplate, when in fact my writing was exactly how I had been taught to write and perfectly legible. If you can read it there's no need to be mean about it just because you don't think it's pretty.
That's the problem with my son's handwriting, it really is hard to read, but for a grown man...should be lot better..I'm not looking for anything special, just legible.
by jonaja
That wasn't a dig at you Jonaj. Legibility's the main thing.
all good :)

by jonaja
I'm not sure what they are doing in school but my 3 year old is learning handwriting in kindy and no computers yet. It's important to learn how to do things without technology as it wouldn't take much to wipe out technology and I read too many doomsday and apocalypse books to be lulled into becoming too reliant on computers.
yes I do , also look at how they are now taught to hold the biro or pencil to form their very untidy letters that they call handwriting
Are they taught to hold pencils differently now?
they hold the biro or pencil from in front hard to explain, instead of the back.
the so called writing they form is more upright or backhand, do not know if taught this way , I do notice that this seems to be the way to write/print nowadays, instead of the beautiful sloping writing we were taught in my day.
by flaga
I agree Flaga. It's as though they are forming a fist and it is wrong. It shoukd be corrected and I see so many people writing this way now and it annoys me no end.
by helga
My grandson is at preschool. His teachers had picked up that he wasn't holding his pencil correctly somevery fortnight he goes to a special teacher who teaches him the gross motor skills he needs to do this as well as cutting out, etc. This isn't cheap but my daughter considers it important that he shouldn't be held back by his limitations. I write a lot and have to say that most people in my childrens generation do not write. They print! I used to leave the odd note for the cleaners at work when I needed something supplied by them. One if the bosses told me they couldn't read it because it was "runnung writing" and had to ask him what it said. I think its a shame people neglect handwriting.
I have children who are in year one and year two. They are learning handwriting and haven't started on computing yet, though I have heard that they do some work on iPads just to get a feel for them. It must be a little older that they start learning to type.
They really need to focus on teaching children to write properly. The lost art of letter writing is one of the reasons. Children do not have much opportunity to practice any more. Children should still be encouraged to write penpals and grandparents. So goes the writing, so goes the spelling.
by Gia
Sadly, yes, it is. We used copy books and I wish there was more pride in handwriting these days.
by Rice
I don't think so, however I really do not know.
Isee my grandchildren writing but they are too young to be taught to write neatly.
by Finy
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