This is one of my Top pet peeves!
At no time, should it ever be neglected.
I feel very strongly on this subject.
I told my son about this, and of course what was his response?
''We don't really need it''! Computers are what we need.
I said....''well one day computers may not be able to be used''?
Ever heard of a ''E.M.P.''?
Could they ever happen?....YES.
So I said to my son....while you're praying to your computer to start up, others are ''writing down vital info'' and giving to messengers to carry vital news.
''That would never happen''....he tells me!
I say, History has a very funny way of repeating....Having said all of this my youngest son is now 23, has writing is that of a 10 yr old, because of pressing buttons....and teachers even in his day not focusing on handwriting....Of course I pushed it as he grew up, but because it was not 'pushed' too much in school, I also find 'males', have a hard time writing by hand.....Bad writing from mainly 'males' is a big problem.
I have the odd time found a couple of men, who can write quite well, but that's not a good enough number in my way of thinking.
My son is not backwards, he came 1st in his year in the school for computers, so somewhere handwriting went out the window big time.
I have said to him, I will teach him even now, but guess what!
He has no interest....what a great pity.
I said to him, well stick pictures will not 'cut-it' when you one day will need to send a real message....answer that came back to me.
''Oh Mum you're soooo funny''
I wasn't trying to be funny.!