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Is Facebook a real community or a fake one?

by carolyncordon (follow)
Carolyn Cordon Positively Positive Prose! mickjaneandme.wordpress.com/
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photo from Mallala Crossroad Chronicle

Do real communities only exist in the real world, or can an online community be a real community, with real friends who really care about each other?

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I don't like the community of Facebook.

It has a 'fake' kind of one to me...friends seem to be more distant, and some only talk to people they really like.I have heard other people say the same thing.
You may know a lot of people, but unless you are 'part of their inner circle', you can feel quite an outsider.
With something like Answer Angels, I think we have a community.It may not be as close as it could be, but we all seem to have some kind of connection.
A community is only as good as the people in it, and how much they wish to interact, with each other.
I went 'missing in action'on AA for a few days.My computer had crashed badly.
Took days for them to fix it, I missed it badly.
I don't have a lot of time in my day, but love this site.....I soon found out who missed me, and it was so heart warming. :) love you guys !
by Vee
Oo, did you read the story about the birthday I posted on one of your responses?
by Vee
no I didn't Vee? which question was it?

by jonaja
A bit of both. Personally, not one I wish to be a part of, but it is useful for interacting with those in your 'inner circle' as jonaj has said.
by Vee
It's a shade of grey when it comes to reality or imaginary. Facebook can be a tight-knit community with music bands, events and stuff like that. However, real friendships are not the same as Facebook friendships, and that's where the virtual barrier comes into play.
I love it when Facebook friends meet and their 'friendship' turns into a real one, sealed with a real life hug!
I think it's a bit of both. Having said that, the Facebook community that I like to interact with is the very community of friends that I have in the 'real world'.
I think for some folk I think they really feel as though there facebook friends are one community they are close too and connect with. I think the danger is when it is for some the only community, determining real friendships on the basis of responses to posts etc. Dangerous, addictive and depressive. A nice way to share thoughts, photos and milestones with friends. A reliable determinable community, maybe not.
I don't think Facebook is one large community, at least no more than I think one large city is one community. With any large amount of people there are small communities within the whole population, some of the those communities are healthy and vibrant while others are fake, shallow or worse, just like the seedy side of any city would be. I guess what I'm saying is, it depends on where you hang in when on Facebook :)
One thing I love to do is to turn a 'Facebook Friend' into a real friend, someone I can chat to, have a coffee with and give them a hug! I'm slowly doing this whenever it's possible.
I don't think an online community like Facebook is altogether a real community of real caring people. There are some people that you may have known for years and you would have already had a solid relationship. However I think Facebook brings out the monster in others as some use it so say what they wouldn't to others face to face. Additionally, people pretend. With that said though, it is possible to foster some real friendships online. But one has to be careful.
LOVE that Pic.
by jonaja
It is a highly edited community because you can be whomever you want to be.
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