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Is chocolate bad for children?

by chipp (follow)
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Chocolate can be found in almost ever festive event. We all know that a large majority of chocolate has an abundance of sugar. Excess consumption of sugar is known to be the contributing factor to diabetes. Is chocolate bad for children? And will I add to the risks of poor health by giving my children chocolate?

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Granted Chocolate has sugar, however I think moderation is the key. As long as chocolate is not part of the daily diet, and is used as a treat only, then chocolate should be okay!
Chocolate is better than chewy sweets, because it doesn't stick in their teeth in the same way. I think, in moderation, chocolate is fine as an occasional treat. If your kids like dark chocolate then that's even better, as a small square of that has actually been proven to have health benefits.
Excessive sugar can be bad for children, and adults too (because of tooth decay as well as diabetes) but chocolate doesn't have to be very sweet. Dark chocolate has antioxidants and can actually be beneficial in moderation. Not allowing your kids chocolate would give it the allure of the forbidden, possibly enticing them to eat more of it than they otherwise would.
Everything in moderation, yet to excess chocolate is definitely not good. Blocks of chocolate is highly processed and contains way too much sugar and flavours. Quality chocolate such as Haigh's is good due to the strong cocoa butter flavour. It is actually the cocoa butter in chocolate that is good for kids and adults alike.
After many years....I have to say if I had my time over again, I would Not give my children chocolate at all.

It is very addictive, and that is one less thing they need in their lives.

I think our children need totally healthy stuff, so they do not become overweight.
Plus it can make children very hyper,restless, and even cause headaches!

We have now seen children at their fattest.

We need to love them more, and chocolate is not the answer.
I give my children aussie made chocolate which is the certified organic, sugar free, gluten free, vegan, low GI, dairy free, preservative free, high antioxidants, low heat cooked, etc. They love it and so do we !! There is a few health food stores that sell them and a few on-line shops as well such as deliciouschocolates.com.au .....Cal
by look
I don't think anything is bad in moderation. If you deprive children of anything, whether it is sweets or certain activities, I think their curiosity may make them want to indulge in the forbidden even more.
It's no worse than a lot of other things, but it's not good either. Sometimes food...
Lack of moderation is bad for children. If you chocolate as a reward rather than a food it can be an issue. There are lots of lovely sweet fruits which can satisfy a sweet craving and they also have sugar in them. And that brings me back to moderation.
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