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Is chivalry an important virtue you look for in a man?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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For centuries men have been expected to be chivalrous towards women. But lately things are changing. Do you still look for chivalry in a man? Would you judge a man by absence or presence of this virtue?

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No. I prefer men who just treat everybody with respect and dignity.
If that means polite, well mannered, and morally sound, then yes. If it means pulling out the seat in a restaurant, opening the door when you walk in a room, and saying 'ladies first', then no.
Nothing wrong with a man doing those last three things for a woman whatsoever!
Plus courtesy in every aspect as well.
My husband's been all of that, & it makes me feel very special!
by donjo
But why should it be 'ladies first' and not 'men first', and why should it be the man holding the seat out for the woman rather than the other way around? If it went both ways then it would be fine.
Call me old fashion.
I love men with this character.It will get me every single time.
I have always looked for it, in a man any man.

I think it is a wonderful virtue in a man.I also know many many women who love it too.I think myself, it takes a very big man....to have this trait.

I had to post this pic, it is just so wonderful and loving.(nearly made me cry).
o.k. I had a tear or two......
by jonaja
Bryony, you had my thoughts spot on
I'm with Jonaj on this one, I like chivalry.
Yup. All day, everyday. It never gets old, and shows they care.
It is nice but only if it is genuine and not put on.
Depends how you define "Chivalry". Either way, I believe Ephesians Ch 5 gives us a very good guide as to how to live and treat one another, including the relationships between men/husbands and women/wives, but verse 25 of that chapter would seem the most relevant to this particular question, in my view.

by kimp
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