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Is calling someone crazy an insult?

by lizzi (follow)
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Do you consider being called "crazy" to be insulting?

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I think like many words, it depends how it is used and the context. So if you are being dismissive or the context is insulting, then yes being called crazy is insulting.
However, if someone is being silly and kooky and you are laughing WITH them, then being called crazy is fine. So I call my boy a crazy boy quite often and in return when I do something similar, he says "You're a crazy mummy!" which I take as a compliment. The cat also gets described as crazy, usually when he's treating the whole house as an obstacle course.
I call my son Crazy all the time, he's 22 and we play jokes on each other.
I also call him 'nut'?
'Your a nut'!, I tell him.
My next door neighbour has a bird called 'crazy', and I also did 25 yrs ago.
No it's not insulting, and I have even heard women talking...one saying to another''well if you pay any more for that your crazy''.
Nothing wrong with it.

I'm really over 'super sensitiveness'.

It's all crazy!
I agree - I'm well over over-sensitive people. The word "crazy" has been around for a long time and I have never heard it used in a situation where someone wants to insult someone or insult their intelligence. There are so many words people use when they wish to be insulting or wish to insult someone's intelligence and "crazy" isn't one of them. These days I consider "crazy"almost a term of endearment in a lot of cases.
by fran.
I agree :)
by jonaja
I often refer to my 3 year old as "my crazy girl" and we have a laugh and she says "no mummy YOU'RE a crazy girl". But then someone said I shouldn't say such nasty things to my daughter. Got me thinking - is it REALLY an insult to call someone crazy...especially if you're just having a little bit of crazy girl fun?!
Guess it depends whether you're spitting the words out or saying it with a smile. Don't think I'd like to be called crazy as a put down but in fun. - no worries.
That very much depends on the situation.

I have often been called crazy and sometimes I have taken it to heart and felt really hurt whereas other times it has been sent almost like a term of endearment.

What the person probably meant, and I was told this once, was that they were saying that I was quirky, or crazy funny.

So it makes a big difference on the context of how and about what this saying is said.

Perhaps if a person really has a mental problem, I could understand that it would be a hurtful thing to say, and therefore insulting.
by Finy
Calling someone crazy is not necessarily an insult, It can even be a complement.

It depends on the tone, the speaker's personality and the context in which the statement was made.
Ah, do you mean 'compliment'? ......
by donjo
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