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Is buying flowers as gift a waste of money?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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flowers, florist

Buying gifts is not easy. The likes and dislikes of the person you are buying the gift for is only one of the concerns. Budget is definitely another.

Do you think buying flowers as a gift is a waste of money as they will end up in the bin a few days later?

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I think it is - they die anyway. If you really want to give someone a flowery present, give them some tissue flowers! Lasts longer and looks pretty around the house all year long.
It is only a waste of money if the person does not like flowers. I think flowers a great gift to give someone who appreciates them. I give my mum flowers, and she gets lots of flowers from friends as thank you gifts. They last much longer than just a few days - often up to two weeks - and she really enjoys them. While you can buy expensive fancy flowers, you can also get them cheaply too. At the supermarket, I can get two bunches of tulips for £5, and they last for ages.
They're a fair bit more expensive here, maybe because of the climate. You might get a bunch of flowers for a fiver here (though usually they start at $10) but not tulips.
I don't think buying flowers is a waste of money. It is a simple gesture telling someone you're thinking of them - or care for them.
If the recipient likes them, then no, it's not a waste of money.

Personally I think a small living plant in a pot makes a nicer gift.
I like flowers, but they are expensive...and so because they do die quickly
I am not all that keen to give or receive.
They do have their place with young people dating...gift for a work colleague ect.
But, on the whole until their price comes down at least 50%...they are too darn expensive full stop.
Pity, because nothing is as nice as flowers in the home.
I love flowers - buying and receiving. If you're afraid it's just a waste of money because they will end up in the bin a few days later, then buy a potted plant.
by Vee
It cannot be a waste of money if you or the person you are buying them for, really appreciate them!

Of course they die, however they are beautiful for the while you have them on show in a nice vase.
by Finy
Yes and no. I go with the living plant in a pot. I believe that some cultures do not like cut floweres as they symbolize death.
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