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Is Brisbane Australia's hippest city?

by grann (follow)
Australia (31)      Brisbane (3)      Hip (1)      Lonely Planet (1)      Travel Guides (1)     

Brisbane City Hall

Brisbane has just been voted Australia's 'hippest' city by the Lonely Planet. Do you agree?

#Lonely Planet
#Travel Guides
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It's been a long time since I've been to Brisbane, but I'm heading up the coast next week, so may make a visit.
If you would like a free tour of Australia's hippest city, go to www.brisbanegreeters.com.au You will be made very welcome with either a Greeter's Choice or a tailor-made tour to suit you.
by grann
Brizzy, one BIG Hippy.

Yep that's what she is.
I have not been to Brisbane in a while, and therefore I can't really say. There is a cool, hippy hotel in Fortitude Valley for business travellers. Great restaurants too. I'm very happy living in Sydney.
Ah, Justine. You are missing out on many treats! The arts scene in particular is having many visitors tell me they wish they'd given Brisbane more time on their itinerary. It also caters very well for children and teens. At the moment I am having difficulty fitting in all the things I'd love to do with two young teens when they visit me for a week. Top of their list are a FREE fashion design course at a local library, and body and face painting at a nearby park. I'm not sure who will be the most exhausted by week's end.
by grann
Justine you are living in Australia's hippest city. I am in Melbourne and I still think staying in Sydney for 1 week is the best spent week away I can think of.
by fran.
I have some little doubt about this, but the city is growing very fast so maybe it's true. Not that I've been there recently, though.
I have never been to brisbane so can't make any comments

Ha!!! ha!!!! ha!!!! Not a chance. Lonely Planet is so far behind the times.
In fact was Brisbane ever hip?
We don't even have a beach and NO South bank is NOT the beach!
The food is average to completely terrible in most establishments unless you can afford to sell your granny to eat out.
The current political leaders are hell bent on taking us all back to the 1980's and the dictatorship of Joh Bjelke-Petersen.
Yeah but when you actually come from Kingaroy (Joh territory), then Brisbane seems very hip by comparison.
I so very nearly moved to Kingaroy recently. Well Coverty to be exact, not much excitement out their i agree
I think it is the prettiest Aussie city. I'm not a city person, but Brissy is nice place to visit.
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