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Is brightly coloured furniture in or out?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Personal (177)      Household (62)      Furniture (12)      Interior design (7)     

furniture, interior design, decor, home furnishing
Source: Morguefile

Everyone has a different taste in furniture.

What do you think about brightly coloured furniture?

#Interior Design
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It depends what the rest of room is like. I like colourful furniture, but usually they are often in styles for art deco design homes, which I don't like.

For my sitting room furniture, I would either want neutral colours, or a deep red.
I think it's a bit difficult to work with coloured furniture and therefore neutral tones work easier. But one would need a really good sense of interior designing to work with bright colours, whether it means paint on the wall or brightly coloured furniture, etc.
If you like it and it suits your home...go for it! It doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. Some of the world's best interiors designs are great simply because people were willing to try something (colour, décor or whatever) that was a little unconventional.
It's in at the moment, and just in time to brighten our winter days.
It has always been in.

I like it, as long as it is done well....Some colours should not be together.

For me, all my furniture is white, and has been for years now....
That's just me.
I think out. But I'm no expert!
I don't like others to tell me how to furnish my home. HOME being the operative word, this is the place of respite, the place that reflects your personality, so in my opinion forget trends, just be true to you and go with what makes you want to return to it, and when you do, you can't help but smile.
I don't particularly like bright coloured furniture as I prefer to bring the colour into a room with accessories, such as cushions, ornaments.

I think I would tire quickly of a bright coloured lounge suite and the colours go out of date quickly also.
by Finy
I've hard Cardinal purple velvet lounge suite which was a recover of the original purple and aqua brocade. I had this suite for years until my cat decided she liked it more than her scratching house so I purchased a beige leather suite and I hate it. Can't wait for it to go so I can enjoy my colours again.
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