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Is Beyoncé a feminist?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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Public domain image via Foxcrawl

There's been a lot of talk of Beyoncé's supposed feminism, especially since her single Flawless sampled a monologue from the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie about how women are taught to "shrink themselves". Some of the backlash included feminist theorist Bell Hooks referring to Beyoncé as a "terrorist".

What do you think? Is Beyoncé a feminist? Or is she simply using feminism as a marketing tool?

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It is hard to work out what someone thinks from the media portrayal of them. I know as a feminist, I would not be able to keep my mouth shut when it came to anti-women suff but Beyonce apparently has this ability - see here http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ellie-slee/beyonce-feminist-drunk-in-love-lyrics_b_4676557.html Huffington Post article on Having Your Feminist Cake and Eating it Too. It could be a business decision either way (saying feminist stuff, or singing and going along with anti-feminist stuff) but I'd like to think any one who has strong woman-positive values would remain authentic to themselves and women everywhere.
Well said!
I am not too sure what qualifies as being feminist or not. I mean making certain statements to please women or others to anger anti-feminists does not make you a feminist. Also, walking out on the streets with pickets in your hand to demonstrate at certain causes also does not mean that this is the only way to be a feminist. I am a stay at home mom with two children, and I am a feminist. With people in the entertainment business who make money with "feminist" songs, etc., I am sure there is a business/marketing element involved.
Having said all the above, I don't know Beyonce's work enough to make an educated reply.
Beyonce may think of herself, or market herself as a feminist, but I believe that what she does and what she stands for do absolutely nothing for the feminist cause. She, like so many others, convinces girls and women that to be a sex object is somehow empowering, that giving men what they have been taught to want is liberating. I'm sorry, but so explicitly and so blatantly objectifying yourself - and so encouraging others to do the same - is not feminist. I'm with hooks.
by Vee
I think terrorist is a bit harsh! But I also think that the way many stars live is at complete odds with how ordinary women live. For example if we wore the clothes they wear in their video clips we'd be given all sorts of terrible labels. Furthermore they are often so airbrushed that it's dangerous to young girls to see the images.

I thought terrorist was a bit harsh too until I heard what she said in context (there's a link to the video) and now I see what she means.
What do I think.

I don't like Beyonce full stop, she shows too much and it's nasty.
I am also not found of Feminism, for many reasons.

That's what I think!
I also think she is nasty jonaj, and I think that what she does and stands for does absolutely nothing for the feminist cause.
by Vee
She also doesn't give credit to women on the whole...your right.
by jonaja
The only way I could confidently answer this question is if I actually got to sit down and have a conversation with the lady herself. There is some much misrepresentation and misunderstanding in the world that I don't want to contribute to the situation by adding my own. Whatever she is I hope that she is acting in alignment with her personal values and be her true self.
I don't know what her personal beliefs are but what she puts out there publicly is pretty inconsistant. The video clip for Flawless confuses me, juxtaposing Adichie's monologue with Beyonce singing about how good she looks. I don't know what we're supposed to take from that.
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