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Is a Zebra black with white stripe or white with black stripes?

by Gia (follow)
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Zebra, morgueFile

Is a Zebra black with white stripe or white with black stripes?

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I would say they are neither white with black stripes nor black with white stripes. Both colors work together equally. I've never seen a Zebra that is either black or white. Additionally, an individual Zebra may have more or else shades of black and white than another. So, it is hard to say if they are predominantly black or predominantly white.

A zebra is black with white stripes. Studies of zebra embryo's shows them to be black; the white stripes develop later.
I have to say I think they are White....with Black stripes!
White with black stripes. You can see the black stripes end, where as the white is continuous.
I always see a zebra as white with black stripes.
Apparently their skin is black but the hair is multi-coloured. Newborns can be born with brown stripes which then turn black later, so that leans me towards white with black stripes :)
I've always seen them as white with black stripes but I do however know from research such as what Gayle said that this is not the case.
A human pedestrian crossing is 'BLACK with White stripes'.
So too, I believe the Zebra animal is!

That's why there're called 'ZEBRA Crossings' aren't they? Not giraffe or elephant crossings!
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