Is a bra really necessary at any age?

Photo: ronnieb
Is it really necessary for women to wear a bra?
Why or why not?
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I guess it DOES depend on size but I really don't think I needed one when I was young.
I remember I could not wait to get one but really, I think it is unnecessary unless you are large.
Once you have children, and gravity sets in, or even without having had children, I guess, it could be a different matter.
And if you are really large I guess it would be more comfortable, though then again, how would I know this!
I dunno Finy, I am not particularly large, but I still bounce! Having said that, you're right- I definitely didn't need the crop tops I had in primary school!
well that is different Gia! no question there.....must be painful
I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking for anyone but myself, but for me, definitely need to wear a bra! If I try to run without one, or go up or down stairs, or ride a bike, or... well the list is pretty long. And without a bra, all of these things are painful!
I think yes, however I think there are exceptions....if you are small, once you reach real old age eg 90...I think you would go for comfort and not bother!
If a big girl...... Oh yes.
Medium girl, it is nice to not see...... all over the place.
Girl with little....... she's fine without.
Bab's really should have thought a little more on this one!
Jonaj, i think this picture is before operationS
I read somewhere that if you never wear one you don't get as much sagging, but once you wear one regularly it doesn't help if you stop. I don't know if that's true. Personally I feel more comfortable in one, but I wouldn't say they're necessary unless you get back pain without one (if your breasts are really big), and for sport (I wouldn't go running without one, it hurts).
I think the answer will vary from woman to woman. I don't think it has anything to do with appearance or what other people think. If a woman with a large bust is more comfortable without a bra, then it's no-one else's business and if you don't like how it looks, then don't look.
Personally, I find bras extremely uncomfortable as they can trigger my fibromyalgia and also because of spinal problems I am an odd shape so no matter what kind of bra I wear, it will end up rubbing somewhere. However, if I don't wear one, I get other problems with breast and back pain, so I have to try to balance which pain is worse at any particular time. So sometimes I wear one and sometimes I don't.
I would never say a bra is necessary but encourage each woman to make up her mind on the topic, based on what is right for her.
Verity -you sound like me with the odd dshape! I am only odd because of an accident and yes same things happens with me -dont really know why I actually wear one!
FM. The curse of my life. Sorry you are suffering it too, Verity :(
Apparently it does us no favours. According to a study conducted in France, wearing a bra can make your breasts more prone to sagging because your muscles/skin get/s lazy. I sometimes don't bother wearing a bra at home. I certainly don't wear one to bed.
I totally agree and have also heard that study. Women did not wear a bra for thousands of years and many african and other cultures still don't wear a bra. I think they are one of the worst inventions that MAN made! They are uncomfortable and expensive for a small piece of fabric.They are destructive to shoulders and backs and muscles. I hate them! I sometimes wear those new things that have no clips etc, otherwise YUK! Once again women are being manipulated and conditioned by men.
I own a handful of those 'ah bra' things. They are SO comfortable. I love them. They aren't pretty, but then who's going to see it?!
I use the ah bras for mowing . . . sort of 50/50 . . . not strangled, but not bouncing for the neighbourhood to see. ^_^
Unfortunately, Rice Paper, I can't even say that mine bounce anymore. Ah, the sacrifices we make for our children, lol!
I could often enjoy going bra-less when in my gteens as I was not overly well endowed.My sister ,on the other hand,was blessed with enough for both of us,and needed a bra at all times!! Now that I am older,I do admit that I wear a bra if I am going out or have visitors. I still am not overly well endowed though!!!!
Personally I have to wear a bra - I would feel naked if I didn't wear one
I think that women should wear whatever makes them comfortable! At 15 months post partum I've only just stopped wearing a bra to bed due to leaking milk everywhere!
And I also think that if you are into cooking in a big way, then the girls should be well secured to prevent them accidentally putting their nose in the gas flame.
LOL yes! There are certainly times when it is very necessary to have everything secured safely!
Isn't it funny, during the late 60s and early 70s women were burning their brassieres. Nowadays there is the biggest selection of shapes, material, colours and different types for different reasons= minimisers, enhancers, T shirt etc. I don't know if we have gone forward or backward in terms of freedom, personal choice etc. If women don't feel the need to wear a bra these days, what is there such an enormous range of products available.
What I do know is that my favourite is the full cover T shirt bra because there is no nipple show. That's an advancement.
It's a matter of personal choice I believe.
Big busted women can have awful back pain, sometimes a bra helps. I have found as I am getting older and the 'girls' have increased in size that most bras give me backache, when I am at home alone the bra comes off .
I couldn't go without one during the day but get rid of it as early in the evening as I can. Having said that I think it's all about personal choice. Of course health issues like painful backs, sore shoulders etc would influence some women's decisions.
boobs are for babies. It't the gal's choice if she wants to saddle them up or not. Great if the support helps and you even thinks it looks more sexy. The last is cultural, breast are the only body area where fat is desired, pushed up and shown as being desirable I'm glad I'm small since I don't wear one I notice how restaining they can be. Sometimes I do where an underwire depending,,, come on gals, this look of almost falling out of one's top,,, esp. at work? men wouldn't wear pantyhose, wht do this to ourselves?
The situation mandates necessity. That however does not mean that exceptions are not possible when wearing a bra is just not necessary. The onus is on the person to ensure that they wear a bra when it is necessary; that is to say for support, cover or simple reassurance that they are properly dressed, but come on, there are those women who can definitely do without the bra. Women with small breasts for example, or when going to bed or when wearing clothing that have the backs exposed.
Yes, for comfort & muscle support, mainly. Also nothing worse than seeing a 'not-so-young' woman with 'TOS', as my mother used to say! You can figure that one out!
Am not large by any means, but with all the sports I've played over my life, a bra was ESSENTIAL!
Relaxing at home, life is 'free & easy'. Very comfortable!
I wear one whilst out or having visitors. I hate people to see me stepping on my n*pples.
Hahaha. I struggled with this just the other day. Before I realised it, I had stepped out into the lounge room without a bra while we had guests.
Oh! Vee, you could always claim that 'Surprise' was your new, relaxing brand! Lol!
I used to wear a bra all the time, even though I'm a small size. When I started wearing cotton dresses, every day when I was going out, the bra straps would fall of my shoulders, even when I tried to tighten the straps. Then I day I went out without 1 by mistake, & did the feel better!! So now I never wear them under my cotton dresses!
I can't wear an underwire bra they cut into me. I wear bras during the day but not when I go to bed. I feel like I'm choking when I lay on my back. It hasn't made much difference whether I wear one or not they still point south!
I have to wear underwire for support and although I'd love to be small enough to go bra-less, it ain't gonna happen!
I do think bras are a necessity but they are so uncomfortable. I call them boob stranglers. The ah bras have no support and are difficult to get on. The day someone makes a proper bra they will become a millionaire. My mum in her 80s stopped wearing a bra. When I questioned her she said she no longer had anyrhing to put in it. She still looked good though.
my daughter introduced me to Bella bodies, now I do not wear any other bra, gone are the days of feeling uncomfortable and in pain.
at home I go without .
I think that totally depends on the woman, I know I can't go out without one, oh god no!
I don't know about necessary. Just depends on the look you want. As you age you need to be careful of trips and falls, so better to any obstacles out from under your feet
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