Is 7 too young for a mobile phone?

Image: MIKI Yoshihito - Wikimedia Commons
A recent survey in the UK has found that children are most likely to get their first phone at the age of 7. This survey, conducted by Mobile Phone Checker, references that a decade ago the age for kids getting their first mobile phone was 10, but since 2003, the age of kids with phones is getting increasingly younger.
Do you think children are responsible enough to have their first phone at aged 7?
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I don't have kids, but if I did, I wouldn't get them a phone till they were at least 14. Seeing how today's generation has converted from a social atmosphere to a bunch of robots who keep walking around, staring into their smartphones/iPads/other gizmo devices, I would hate for my child to be a part of that generation, only to suffer socially later. So, yes - 7 is too young.
I have a child who is almost 7 and in my opinion it is way too young. Unless there is a particular reason like the child has to commute on their own, I can't see why they would need one at that age. Most 7 year olds would have no concept of exceeding data or call limits and would risk running up huge bills unless they were on a prepaid plan.
I look back on myself as a 7 year old and there's no way I'd have been responsible for a phone back then. I was definitely the clumsy child who lost school jumpers, sports kits etc so I would no doubt have lost a phone. Different kids have different maturity levels but on personal experience I think 7 might be a tad too young.
I think it is way too young. When my son was 9yo he begged me to give him a phone, so I gave him an old phone. He was excited about it for a week or so and then never touched it again. None of his friends had phones, so he had no one he could call. I think the ideal age is about 12 or 13 when the child is starting high school.
I think it is way too young. When my son was 9yo he begged me to give him a phone, so I gave him an old phone. He was excited about it for a week or so and then never touched it again. None of his friends had phones, so he had no one he could call. I think the ideal age is about 12 or 13 when the child is starting high school.
Yes, 7 is way too young.
As for having it if they travel to school on their own and it's a safety tool.I have to say no child should be walking to school at age 7-8 or even 9, alone anyway.
About 12-13-14 is a o.k. age, with a limited amount they can have on the phone.
I think so. I got my first mobile phone at 19. These smartphones, although handy for business use can be anti social at times.
7 yrs is too young age to give mobile phones to the kids. We should give them mobile phones after the age of 15 that too for emergencies.
7 yrs is too young age to give mobile phones to the kids. We should give them mobile phones after the age of 15 that too for emergencies.
I think 7 is a bit too young but if they want to play on it or take photos, then it's okay. Why would a 7 year old need a phone anyway? I don't see the point of it at all.
Yes. The best reason for a child to have a mobile phone is to take with them so they can contact their parents when they're out or use it in case of emergency. When they're so young they can't go out without a parent or babysitter they don't need a phone. Who else would a seven year old need to call? I suppose if they have a smart phone they could play games on it and stuff but you could also do that with a tablet or a home computer that they couldn't go racking up a huge bill making calls on.
No way would I give a 7 year old a mobile phone EVER!!!!! Can't we just let children be children for a bit. Play in the garden talk to people face to face
I'm definitely a fan of letting children have a childhood so I don't see the need for phones so early!
Well I bought my granddaughters one each when they were 5 and 8. They think they are game phones and can't ring on them as they have no credit. Bought them when we had long drives so they could play on them. Much cheaper than a DS and other hand held gamers, plus the games can be downloaded for free in most cases unlike the others that you have to buy games for. They only use them in the car and house though and now they both have tablets the phones don't get a look in.
No way!!!! 7 is WAY too young to have a mobile phone. Who the hell are they going to ring anyway?? What parent would let a 7 year old be in a position to "need" a phone? My two girls were in their early teens before we let them have mobiles and now they practically live on the bloody things!! I don't understand how people allow these things to rule their life and they claim they can't live without them now!! Give me a break! I grew up in the 70's & 80's and did quite ok "liviing" without a mobile phone. To me, they're just another tool, like a knife or fork. I can easily leave my phone at home and not look at it for a whole day at times, or even longer!!! I'm constatnly in trouble with my kids/family members for not having my phone on me!! Ugghhh!!! Unfortunately nowadays they (mobiles) have become a necessary evil to get through life!! Mandy E.
Absolutely! I was so stunned to see that 7 is becoming a norm!
Although it might be good for a child to have access to a simple inexpensive one for emergencies, I don't really think they're responsible enough at that age. My daughter misplaced two or three, even when she was in her mid-teens!
7 is such a young age to have a mobile phone. I got my first mobile when I started high school and it was only given to me for emergencies. I understand we are in a world where technology is ever evolving but I think kids should be kids and not worry about mobile phones for at least another 6 years!
yes, as long as we can keep them away from phones and TV, we should. Kids these days are missing so much out there. They end up being more on TV and playing video games which is kind of sad.
Yes, I agree. I think it's great to try and extend their childhood, not reduce it.
Way too young, it's just asking for trouble
I know a lot of 7 year olds and younger are quite capable of using technology and can teach us oldies a few things, but as far as giving them a phone at that age, no way!
my granddaughter was given her phone when she started high school, she had pestered her parents for one in primary school, as her friends all had one, it was not needed as they lived quite close to the school. high school is different quite a distance to travel, a phone is a must to be in touch with family and her school friends.
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