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In case of weak eyesight, do you prefer glasses, lenses or corrective surgery?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Spectacles, glasses, lenses, laser, surgery, cosmetic, corrective

I've been wearing glasses for over 25 years of my life. I only wear lenses when I am dressing up formally for an occasion. Some of my peers have had corrective laser surgery done and don't need to wear glasses any more.

I wanted to throw the question out and see what you prefer: glasses, lenses, corrective surgery?

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I don't need glasses, but both my parents are/were shot sighted. In the case of my dad, he doesn't think glasses or lenses are necessary. He can see perfectly well enough for what he needs to do, and anything that is too far away for him to read, he considers not worth reading.

My mum put up with both contact lenses and glasses for years, until she eventually decided to go for laser surgery. She now needs glasses for reading, but thinks it is one of the best things she ever did.
Glasses. I can't imagine myself trying to deal with contact lenses when I can't see them clearly without glasses in the first place. Surgeries are risky no matter what the eye surgeons try to persuade people otherwise. So I will definite pick glasses. They do bother me sometimes, though. For example, I have to clean my glasses all the time to keep them clear of dust. They are not convenient when you try to read in bed, or playing sports (esp. swimming). Plus wearing glasses all day put marks on my nose, and they get in the way when I try to do my eye make up.
I feel your pain. Though I would be able to see to find contacts.
by Jawnin
I would prefer glasses. Little nervous about surgery and contact lenses have been known to aggravate the eyes.
I wear glasses. Contact lenses are expensive and they sound fiddly and uncomfortable so I don't bother with them. I quite like the look of my glasses. I've never thought about corrective surgery. I think that's more for people with a more severe problem than I have. I'm just a bit near sighted, which is no big deal.
If weak eyesight, glasses would be better. They act (in many cases) as a protective mechanism for your eyes. Contact lenses get itchy and can fall out. I don't know if I would trust even the brightest of eye surgeons with my eyes. Thankfully my vision is great and I don't need any of this.
I have recently started using glasses for reading and would possibly consider corrective surgery in the future if my eye sight worsens.
I prefer glasses and have Christian Dior and Gucci amongst my frames. I can't have corrective surgery as like a lot of people, I have a stigmatism and with dry eyes, contacts are out of the question.
I think both. If only one then LENSES. Glasses fall off my face when it gets oily, they squeeze me when I bump into someone, they also need to be cleaned after virtually everything so I am afraid to leave the house without a rag and they get foggy when I get hot. The worst part is I have to wear my most of the time. (don't need them to read books though).
I would prefer corrective surgery however glasses hide bags under eyes and I have such cool glasses that I love them.
by Finy
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