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If your significant other says "don't buy me anything", do you anyway?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by cohdra, sourced from morgueFile

For my birthday this year, I told my husband not to get me anything. I really did mean it. I wanted nothing. Well, nothing but a drawing. In the end, I got my drawing and some really special surprises. I was blown away and very appreciative of the effort he had put into the day.

When your significant other says "Don't get me anything", do you get them something anyway?

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Absolutely, but it's usually something smaller or less expensive than I would normally do.
I love buying presents for people.

So my answer would be yes, I always buy something, or rather if I now had a SO, I would buy something.

It actually all depends on the circumstances however -I find it much easier to buy for a female than for a male.

There was always something I could find for my SO even if it was something for the shed, or a tool etc.
by Finy
O.K. So! you like buying gifts for people....well I would like a uummmm?
what would I like!
Not sure?...Oh yes a Pavlova :)
by jonaja
I think it is wise too.
They may feel they don't need or want a thing, but come the day, it could be quite empty....without a gift.

If they are very very serious about it, you can make them a awesome cake, and put flowers around the place.

If a guy, maybe make him a wonderful meal.To do nothing, just somehow will not sit quite right, for that special day.
Oh! Jonaj, where do you get those beautiful cat photos? This one had me ROFL!

by donjo
I know tooo cute :)
by jonaja
I still get a gift, if I had planned on getting a gift. I like choosing presents of a personal nature, and even if someone has said don't get me anything, they've generally still liked the gift they've received or they've appreciated the effort. My partner is very hard to buy for and he knows this so will regularly say don't bother, but I think he still deserves special gifts.
I don't because I know it will either collect dust or be returned at the store if they have a good return policy. I don't buy my husband gifts.
Depends on the circumstance, but if they really don't want anything probably not.
What I would do is something that we could share like a lovely meal out to our favourite restaurant, surprise outing or a special home cooked meal with their favourite food and drink. We have been together long enough to know when the other means they don't want a gift or they really mean surprise me.
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