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If you won the lottery, would you tell everyone or keep it a secret?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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If you won the lottery, would you share this with family, friends, colleagues and other people? Or would you seal your lips and will always keep this news to yourself?

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I'd want to keep it a secret to all except those truly close to me. I wouldn't want to change every facet of my life by inviting unwanted attention. Plus I would really want to still be able to bring my kids up with them learning the value of money and if they knew we had bundles of money they might think they will get a free ride in life. Probably not possible to be so secretive when spending habits change but no harm in trying. I would definitely share with my nearest and those that are deserving, but I might do this anonymously. All I need to do now is win the lotto . Please pretty please
I would only tell my closest family and friends. Why beat the drum and invite unwanted attention? I would also share my winning prize with those who are truly deserving in my family /friends. Those who are already wealthy won't qualify as deserving, but those who are struggling would be helped.
Good question. I think I would tell a select few.
by Vee
Keep it a secret but I would be gladly share my prize with family and friends by giving them a treat or getting them something they've been saving hard to buy.
Would keep it a secret, and give some of the earnings to charity, pay off my houses, give some to family and friends, and then invest the monies.
I will telly my family and maybe few close friends but otherwise i will keep it quiet. There is no reason to attract unnecessary attention by making this excellent stroke of luck a big news story.
I was asked this question a few weeks ago.

I would tell my family, but there are conditions to them getting any of the money.
I have a life long dream to help those who are dying from hunger in Africa, especially the children.

My family would have to come with me, as a big wake-up call....Then when we get back, they can have some money.

That is my one condition.

As far as friends, I would not tell them...but would be generous to them.

Keep it a secret. There are too many horror stories to think otherwise.

Don't forget, the cheapest mistake to make is someone else's. Learn from their mistakes!
Keep it a secret. Unfortunately there are some 'leeches' in my family who would come out of the woodwork quick-smart if they knew. I would do a lot of anonymous donating to animal charities. Plus a sh*t-load of travelling! :)
I would like to keep it a secret, but although my kind husband says he would like to keep it a secret would probably tell people or start giving money away in such a way that would attract attention.
It would be hard to keep it a secret from him! Hopefully I could get him to agree to wait for a period of time while we seriously consider what we are going to do. I would prefer to do good secretly, but my husband loves the accolades.
I would either keep it a secret or lie about the amount, saying I'd won only a few thousand dollars. I wouldn't want people judging me me for what I do with my winnings which would be to spend some, donate some, and save most.
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