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If you were the opposite sex, what would your name be?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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If a parent doesn't know the sex of their child before it was born, they usually consider names for both genders. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? If you don't know what your parents would have called you, what name would you have liked?

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If I had been born a boy, my parents would have called me Alex. I like that name, but if I were to choose my own, it would be Sebastian Kyle. They are my two favourite boy's name. If, however, I were to have a sex change, I think I would change my name to Byron. I really like that name, and it is very similar to my female name.
Yes, Byron is very nice ;-)
by Rice
One of my husbands was called Byron.
by jonaja
If I was born a male:The name I would have liked to be called would be......

I did call my first son that name.....that's how much I love it.
Aryan, I love this name.
are you iranian?
by shiri
No I am not. Just love this name:-)
No I am not. Just love this name:-)
Until Hitler sullied it :(((
by Rice
PS . . Radhika is a lovely name :-)
by Rice
Same as my first name, but drop the 'e' at the end. I get that quite often anyway...
Joseph. It was my uncle's name and a family favourite.

Grear question by the way!
Thanks. I like the name Joseph. If you were going to be named after your uncle, does that mean Sarah is after a female member of your family?
Zaid - I have a thing for names starting with Z :)
I like them too..... :)
by jonaja
May be Shermal. But its hard to say as in our culture we generally don't decide on a name till the baby is born.
If I'd been a boy my name was going to be Aidan. My dad says he's glad I wasn't a boy because he now hates that name (although I have no problem with it. Sex and the City's Aidan anyone?).
I was going to be named Joshua, which I love!
I'm hearing ya :)
by jonaja
If I had been a boy, my Mum told me that my name would have been exactly the same: Lindsay. Even spelt the same! Lindsay can be a boy's name or a surname in Scotland, especially when it is spelt this particular way. Thanks, Mum.
Hello Lindsay.....
My son's first name is Lindsay! I've seen the name spelled in so many, & sometimes weird, ways! I bet you have too!

Got the idea from movie, 'Chariots of Fire' as Lord Lindsay in that was played by my fave actor at the time, Nigel Havers! Go figure!
by donjo
I've always liked the names Jack, Fionn and Ruairi - I can't choose a fave!
Can't speak for myself, BUT, when expecting our 2nd baby, as was 'mirror' pregnancy of my first, thought I was having another boy, so name chosen was MURRAY.

Just love that name. Reminds me of the beautiful, strong River Murray, on which I've cruised twice & absolutely loved it & the eucalypts on shore, & second-name of Aussie icon, R M Williams.

Was not to be, as a gorgeous little girl was born!
Dad wanted Ariel, but mother vetoed it. I never heard if they had a boy's name picked out. If I could pick I think I would like Alexander or maybe Oliver. I like Noah too.
by Rice
My name would have been Bede
I like the name Noah, at the time I didn't think of it for my son's name, but I still do like his name anyway, which is Phillip.
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