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If you were going to write a story, what would it be about?

by megha (follow)
Writing (36)      story (3)     

If you were going to write a story, what would it be about?

# writing
# story
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Probably my life -with its ups and downs, relationships (too many) and my time on the farm breeding animals!
by Finy
About overcoming the Odds.

But not really about me?...just what had to happen to be on top of life.

Something people can relate too.
I write little 100 word stories once a month (First of the Month Fiction: http://pandoraandmax.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/first-of-month-fiction-may.html) and for some reason, they always end up with death and nastiness...even when I try to write a happy one. In the Pirandellian sense, the wicked characters push their way forward to tell their stories and the happy ones get left behind...I keep trying to write happy ones but they're never very good - yet I consider myself to be very happy. So no idea what that's about. So if I was writing a story, there's a good chance someone will die at the end.
I will write about simplifying life, and the peace and calm that come form letting go.

by Zen
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Probably the scariest thing for a child is the death of a parent
ID: 16594
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