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If you were able to do more study what would it be?

by annlu (follow)
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People study for all sorts of reasons. To qualify for a promotion, to change careers, to start a business or pursue a hobby. If you had the opportunity to do further study what would it be?

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I would do a Masters program in Speech Pathology. I've looked it up. I will do it in a couple of years when my children are a bit older. Alternatively, I would also look into Creative Writing.

I have done the practical...so the study would be great.
school, 6th form, university, and getting a masters degree in writing (with no gap years in between), I felt well and truly knackered from study. I don't think I could cope with going through it all again for quite some time. If I did, then I would either go for the MFA in writing, or take on a baking course.
I certainly feel like that sometimes, but it's not the learning that makes me tired, it's deadlines and bureaucracy
I have done my masters in HR. I would have done people soft course.
I already have a BA, majoring in art history, so if I was to continue my studies I'd probably pursue this further...at least to do my masters or maybe even further. I'd want to think about it carefully, though, as it's a big commitment time-wise and there are so many other things I want to do in my life as well. If I did continue, I'd definitely do part-time. The thought of studying full-time again is a bit overwhelming.
I will finish my Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy at the end of the year and I am already planning further study. I just love study and I think it is a great way to keep your brain functioning and as a result keeping you young.
I drove past my university the other day and realised just how much I missed studying. Not too sure what I would do though. I suppose that's my problem: I'm don't know.
by Vee
I don't know* - it's late...
by Vee
Never! too Late :)
by jonaja
Oh I meant, it's late in the night. Hence my spelling mistake. LOL!
by Vee
Probably languages.
I speak two languages, and would probably learn a third.

I tried Japanese once however found it very difficult, so would go to Italian or similar as also learnt French at school.
by Finy
A Montessori course when I finish my education degree, or visual arts (practical) or woodworking
Was continuously studying, & sitting exams for my work. This was for 45 years' of my career.

Have had ENOUGH of FORMAL study!

IF, & that's a really big IF, I got motivated enough, I'd study for my Speech & Drama Licentiate. Two exams of one Practice, one Theory. End of. But that's not going to happen in the foreseeable future!

In the meantime, I 'hobby' study multiple liked Subjects, by watching, & listening to DVD's from 'The Great Courses'.

I find this very relaxing, as NO exams required, & I can just absorb the info like a 'sponge'! Keeps the 'little grey cells' active, too! It's just like watching a Documentary on TV really, of one's favourite subject(s)!
Time and motion study. I think you might find a lot to study regarding improvement.
First of all, I think just about everyone has the opportunity to further their study.

The fields which I would like to study further in the future include;

Wildlife management
Professional writing and publishing
Human resource management
Business administration
Childhood education

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