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If you were a colour what colour would you be?

by Sasha (follow)
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: Photp by : Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot,www.freedigitalphotos.net

If you were to depict yourself as a colour ,which colour would you choose and why?

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i would be ORANGE or HOT pink. My two favourite colors.
Green. I feel a special connection with the natural world. Not only that, but green too can be playful and hopeful - both of which I try to be.
by Vee
Purple - any day! Such a pretty, royal colour!
I have a friend who also loves the colour PURPLE! I only buy her purple presents for her birthday & Christmas.
by Miro
Red, there's something about red that brightens my day!
I would be this purple.
When I see it, I have a connection.
It makes me feel very secure.
by poppy
:) Poppy maybe we can also add a touch of real Gold too! what ya think?
by jonaja
Blue - depending on the tone it can be light hearted and playful or deep, lonely, and sad.
A vibrant shade of purple - exciting and interesting!
Mirror if possible, but it's very difficult for me to be a mirror always.. so I'd rather be BLACK - that which is not easily tainted by others yet is obscure enough to be omni-present without being noticed.
Blue, I love the water. Although I don't think I could depict myself as one colour, I can also have orange days, green and sometimes yellow. It just depends how I am feeling and whats happening around me
I'd be electric blue, turquoise or hot pink.
My favourite color is RED or BLACK
Oh! swara, both of them go together SO well! Often wear them, especially to Spanish themed occasions!

I remember in the film, 'Ben-Hur, Messala's 'Charit Race' horses were as BLACK as, (much like his soul!), but the tack used was RED! It looked just marvellous!
by donjo
Green as it represents nature and healing.
R E D.
by Rice
(because it makes my eyes happy)
by Rice
Cool colours sft greens. Because of calmness
Purple as it has a vibrant colour and many variations lavender, royal satin mauve. It's
I would be green because it is a calming and relaxing colour and for me it symbolises freshness and life. Plus it is also the colour of my favourite banknote.
Lime green, vivid orange or bright scarlet - all my favourite colours.
Purple! I love ' the colour purple'!

Have many purple outfits, & if I see something purple, I'll usually buy it!

Did you know there is a 'Purple Shop', based in the USA? Where else! Hah!
Just Google it! They ship to Oz!

The ancient Roman Emperors' wore Purple Toga's, with gold bands on the hem.

The Royal Thai colour is Purple.

AND who remembers the song, 'Purple People Eater'?

I do, Donjo, so that's 1 person!
by Miro
I would be a pretty fresh green, or orange but not fluro orange.
PURPLE! Because it soothes me and is so beautiful.
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