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If you wanted to see a film badly, would you go to the movies alone?

by Finy (follow)
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If you wanted to see a film badly, would you go to the movies alone?

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I say yes, but there are several films I would have liked to see and tell myself I will go alone as is easier, but when the time comes to go I would rather stay home.
Admittedly I like staying home and luckily I have my volunteer job, or I would probably sit home much of my time apart from going out once or twice a week with friends.

So I do not remember when I last went to the pictures alone - I think I have only done it once or twice and once was after my mother told me you do not talk in the movies anyway so why not go see one you want to! And that must have been 30 years ago....
by Finy
I have been to the movies by myself quite a lot. I don't have any problem with doing so. When I first started in nursing, often my 'days off ' were a Tuesday and a Wednesday or Thursday, when all my friends were at work.. Sometimes I would work 8 days in a row, but then get 4 days off. What to do on my weekend alone? Usually, shopping and movies were the winners. Sometimes I would see a couple of movies a day, by going from one cinema to the next, in order to catch up on all the great movies I had missed due to work, but my friends had seen. It wasn't that often that I would have days off mid week, but if I did, I certainly wasn't going to stay home and read a book. I was going to go out and have some fun. Even thesedays, if my husband is working, or if he has taken the Scouts away for the weekend on a camp, I will go to the cinema by myself. No reason for me to miss out on having fun, just because he is not here.
Wouldn't bother me a bit.
Sure would.
Have done before, and it's not a problem for me.
My son likes to go to the movies, so we go maybe 2-3 times a month together, depends what is playing.

I know he hates to go alone totally, but no prob for me.
I do it often
I never go to the movies unless I win tickets which usually means a double pass. I have too many other things to do with my time. There is usually so much hype about most movies I would possibly be interested in , I feel like I've seen them already so would be wasting my money.
I have never had a prohblem with seeing a movie by myself. I hate it so much when I have gone with someone, and they want to chat during a movie!! I can do the chatting thing over lunch or morning tea!!! It IS nice to discuss a movie with someone.... AFTER the film has been watched!!! To me, seeing a movie by myself is a real treat: something to truly enjoy without the company of anyone else!
P.S. I do not go to the movies very much anymore, as I find it very painful to sit for longer than an hour, so I do tend to watch movies when they have been released on DVD, in the comfort of my home where I am able to get up and move around when necessary. I think that this problem is another reason I prefer not to go to the movies with another person or a group! When I go by myself I will sit at the back where I am able to quietly stand up now and then as necessary without disturbing others!
by Jules
Jules, have you tried, SBS on Demand? They have 450 movies you can choose to look at, they'll show you the dvd 'cover, & tell you a little bit about each movie. FREE stay at home movies! Way to go! Please try it, & let me know, how you got on, on my reply, at the bottom of these answers!
by Miro
I have no problems going to the movies alone however I haven't had to yet. I no longer live near a cinema so I can't see when the opportunity might arise
I have only ever gone to the cinema once by myself. I didn't enjoy it. Even though you don't talk during the movie, it's still a social place and I didn't like not having someone to chat to before or after the movie.
by AJ
We have a $35 year membership to a movie once a week, at our local art gallery. We go & see it sometimes without even knowing the name of the movie we're going to see! So no, there's never any film I'd want to see badly enough to go to another cinema on my own!
by Miro
"Oh, I love to love, but my baby just loves to dance." . . . Yes!! I love it too. Tina Charles. Woohoo. Let's boogie!!!!!!!
by Rice
I would sooner go alone, I really would, oh yes, I would.
by Rice
Rice, your wording just remaindered me of : 'I Love to Love' theme from the River tv show. I just love that song! If you don't know it, please look it up on youtube. Even the words are on 1 of the youtube slights. It's a song from the '70's. but I've forgotten the name of the singer, but she's still singing the song, in her shows 'to-day'
by Miro
Thank you Rice. I keep singing the song to my self. I would love 2 love that on 1 of my iPod's, & nothing else! THEN I wouldn't mind walking on my own, EVERY day for my 3k's.
by Miro
Sure. I never really have the opportunity these days, but I have nothing against doing that on principle. The cinema is air conditioned, so it might be a nice thing to do on a hot day while the kids were in school if I didn't have class myself.
I am quite happy to go to the movies alone. I don't mind not having anyone to talk to before the movie or after.
Yes, no problem. I have also done it numerous times overseas, since I'm a solo traveller. Nice way to pass the time in the evening if you've done all the sight-seeing stuff during the day.
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