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If you saw a road accident, would you stop?

by Finy (follow)
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If you saw a road accident would you stop?

Would you be prepared to give evidence?

#Road accident
#Road smash
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I'm not sure about this one as I cannot look at blood and would faint if I had to!

I would get involved and go to court for someone in this situation, however if I cannot render assistance, I would probably not be asked as I would possibly be sick even if I just saw the accident....
Once one of my children feel up a stair and had blood coming out of his head and I had to run away as almost fainted!!!
by Finy
I would only stop if I knew I could actually be of some assistance,as there is nothing worse that onlookers being in the way when professionals are trying to do essential work to help anyone who may be injured. I would,of course, contact the relevant emergency authorities by mobile phone and give all details to make it easy for them to find the accident.I certainly would not just 'Hang Around' in morbid curiosity. I know I would not like to be treated like a circus act myself if I was in the situation of being in an accident,just so someone could brag about having been there at the time. I hate it when people tell me 'Oh Yeah!! I was there when that happened!!' if any horrible or upsetting incident is discussed! I believe in do what you can,IF you are able to,and then KEEP MOVING!
Yes I would stop if i saw a road accident . I will give evidence if needed.
If I could assist, then yes. A few months ago we were driving home from work & came across a cyclist in the middle of the roundabout & an older lady in the middle of the road trying to get his bike out from under car as she had knocked him off his bike. No one was helping them & other drivers were just driving around them. We stopped & I looked after the cyclist & called the ambos while hubby helped get the bike out from under the car, move it off the road & then comfort the poor lady. After the cyclist was taken to hospital, we ended up driving the lady home in her own car as she was shaking from shock then speaking to her son on the phone so he could come to her house to look after her. I always thought I may fall apart a little in a situation like that but I didn't & was pleased we could help both parties. I hope someone would do the same for us if it was a similar situation. What amazed me was the number of motorists who just drove past when it was obvious they needed help.
Oh Therese -that is awful -people going on and ignoring others like that. Good on you for helping. dont know what I would do as cannot look at blood, even my own.
by Finy
If no one else had stopped then yes I would, but if there were already others on the scene, I wouldn't
I would let the authorities handle the situation as preference, but if I were the only witness, etc. I would help in any way I could do resolve the situation.
Do you mean if I saw the accident happen, or saw the results of one? Yes to the first, no to the second. In the first instance I might be able to help the people involved; in the second, police and ambulance would probably already be on the way.
It would depend. If the authorities were there I wouldn't sot as I would just let them do their job. If I saw it occur and it was bad I would stop and call the authorities for assistance.
by AJ
Yes I would stop if one of the first on the scene, if lots of people had stopeed I probably wouldn't add to the confusion. Also would render what assistance Icould if I was first on the scene..
by Fran
If there are no emergency services on site, than yes. I have stopped in the past to help people with a broken down vehicle, or if someone looks like they are in trouble, I would see an accident as no different.
Call the emergency number. Tell them what happened and how it looks, ask if you can be of assistance until the medics arrive. If they say no, don't help. It's their job to know what's best for injured people. Especially if they have head/back/neck injuries, you have to know exactly what you're doing or there is a good chance you end up making it worse.
Depending on the damage and whether others were on the scene I probably would.

If I witnessed a serious accident I definitely would, regardless of my weak stomach!
Yes & yes.

If only to check Emergency Services have been called.
In meantime would render assistance (have F/A Certif) where possible.

They're fellow human beings, so how could you NOT stop?
Yes and yes
If assistance was being provided, or if emergency services were on site, then no I wouldn't stop. However, if no-one was around I would definitely offer what assistance I could. My son, who is a nurse, would definitely stop of course.
Would depend on responders present at the scene. If I felt I would be in the way I would not stop, but I would definitely help if I could.
by Rice
Years ago, we were witnesses to an accident, & because we stopped & gave a report to the police, I had to go to court later, & answer yes/no questions. I was so nervous, I was shaking! The young guy wasn't charged who'd caused the accident, as he said he didn't remember anything about it. (How handy!) I still remember what I wore to the courthouse that day!
by Miro
Yes, I would stop, even if there was nothing I could do other than ring for an ambo.
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