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If you had to pick two foods to eat for the rest of your life, which two would you pick?

by Finy (follow)
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If you had to eat two foods only for the rest of your life, which two would you pick?

#Two foods
#Pick two foods
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Eggs would definitely be one food -they are versatile and can be cooked several ways -and possibly bacon as the other....hard to pick between bacon and Nestles Sweetened Condensed milk which I also adore!

We are igno\oring health issues here!
by Finy
I would also have said eggs until I found out in my 20's that I am very allergic to them,which explains why I was always so ill as a child,as we LIVED on them!!!!
by Jules
Bananas and yogurts. Those are the two foods I couldn't live without
by AJ
I always feel good after and apple and I do like eggs .....BUT... if we are ignoring health etc...definitely crispy potatoe and also hot chips with vinegar and checken salt...yum
by Fran
This is SUCH a hard one to answer correctly,so I shall do a small cheat and say 'Fruit' meaning ALL sorts of fruit!!! And cheese as this also has many varieties ,and they go so well with the fruit!!! Yummmm.....!!!!
Bananas and eggs. From a nutritional point of view they have almost everything you need.
I think I would stop eating.....if that is the case.

2 foods are impossible to handle, for me.
That is a tough one Finy - a very tough one! Therefore I've no idea, but I don't think I could forgo chocolate.
by Vee
Two foods forever, I'm not one who requires a lot of variety but thta may be quite a challenge. Perhaps bread and vegemite. Bread because it's a staple and vegemite becuase I live it and its moist enough to make the bread better. In fact I'll make and Aussie choice and say bread and OzEmite (Dick Smith's all Australian alternative.)
Tried his brand of Fig Jam once.....that was enough......threw it out.......I could have been eating who knows what; tasteless as. Will NOT buy another product of his!
by donjo
How can humans' limit their food sources to two in 21st Century!
Stupid question....
Roast pork with crackling ( and roast potatoes and a nice gravy - not too rich)
Oysters au natural

That's it
by fran.
What's with your reply on my comment, Fran?
Means nothing to me at all.
by donjo
Sorry donjo, trigger finger
by fran.
Tiramisu for the 1st 1! & I’m still trying to think of a 2nd 1! The unhealthy chip idea is now looking a really super duper idea!
Butter and probably chicken. I am presuming cups of tea would be ad lib. *snort* :-)
by Rice
Eggs and pork. If im a genius id turn the pork into bacon one day and ham for a change
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