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If you had to have one, would you rather have a broken arm or a broken leg?

by Finy (follow)
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If you had to have one -would you rather have a broken arm, or a broken leg?


#Break bone
#Broken arm
#Broken leg
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I think I would far rather have a broken leg as I could still use the computer with a broken leg and would just have to be a bit stiller.

With a broken arm, there is so much more you cannot do as you need two hands to do many, many things.

I think it would be easier for me to manage with a broken leg than a broken arm if I had to have one or the other.
by Finy
I guess if I had to pick it would be a broken leg but if I had a choice and it was either, let it be the left.
I was going to say arm at first but after thinking about it..no...definitely leg as you could still get around but would have full use of your arms which we need so much more for everyday living.
by fran
Broken leg, by far!
Legs impact mobility so prefer a broken arm
I would far prefer a broken arm(and I know from experience,unfortunately!!!) because I am totally unable to use crutches.I use a cane to walk with normally,and I have no strength at all for crutches.I had a very serious leg injury last year and when I was at the hospital they offered my crutches which I thought would be a real breeze.No such luck!!! I collapsed with the first step I tried to take,as my hands, arms and upper body are very crippled with a rare form of arthritis. It would have made an interesting slapstick comedy Silent Movie though!!!!!
Gosh, what a choice! I agree that whilst the break was mending, it would be easier to cope with a broken leg..... but I think long term a broken leg could cause more problems than a broken arm - different length legs is one complication that can cause a lifetime of problems! - so actually I'm going to vote for a broken arm.
A broken arm as I could still get around in a car or walk. I could also still eat, dress and undressed myself, use the computer, take photos and go fishing
From experience I'd rather a broken arm, it's a nuisance but I could deal with it.
With a toddler, I don't think I could cope with either.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, like most things in life, you would, if you HAD to!
It amazed me what I could do for my children if they'd a problem, of ANY discription, as opposed to before, when I was a single, just looking after myself!
by donjo
by Vee
Having had 2 children with broken legs, I would say arm. It's a nightmare to have a wash/shower, go to the toilet, get around if there's any stairs.
One of my boys had a cast from the tip of his toes to the very top of his leg. Try that for 8 weeks!! He needed help with bathroom visits. We have stairs front and back and there were about 20 stairs up to his classroom that year.
My broken arm healed in a faster time than what a broken leg would've!
So, from experience, 'arm', thank you!
(But REALLY don't want either!)
Neither!! I had a broken arm when I was 12 years old after falling off the next door neighbour's front
fence, it was not nice. I would not like to break any bones now, they would take too long to mend.
I have broken both my wrists (separately) and my ankle and my 5th metatarsal (bone going to my little toe) i definately prefered the broken wrists because it did not slow me down. I still went swimming, rode my bicycle, played cricket and i could not do anything with plaster on my legs.
Definately arm.How many aides do u need for a broken arm?None. For Leg,crutches,walking frame,wheelie walker,wheelchair,moon boot.No weight bearing on leg so weight gain as u are immobilized in bed(10 weeks for me.)U don't feel wobbly and risk falls with broken arm .Also u can still stand and prepare food and carry it to where ever u want.Not possible on ctutches/walking frame.U can't even carry a cup of water or tea.total loss of independance,with broken leg,ankle.

Leg, perhaps . . . so that I could still tend to my ablutions. Can always do a bathpak wash job with two hands, manipulate toilet roll etc . . . It would be a pickle with a broken arm, methinks.
by Rice
Obviously I'd prefer to avoid having anything broken, but if I had to make the choice, then it would be arm. You can still do things, more easily than with a broken leg.
I think it would have to say my arm, in my case. We have 13 outside uneven stone steps, without a handrail, from the walkway, down to the driveway. I could ever get down on crutches! That's the only way out of our house1Even now, I'm always scared I'll take a tumble down the stairs, so usually I'll walk down most of stairs, one at a time!

by Miro
I'd prefer a broken leg. I could manage the limited mobility around the house. Both arms free to make art, hold a book , dress and clean myself.
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