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If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

by Finy (follow)
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If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

#Make Believe
#First name
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I'd change it to Harry. Hopefully I'd gain some magical powers to go with the name change :)
I would be called Lainie
by Finy
I like my first name, but if I could change, I like the name Myra.
I'd change it to something less traditional and less common. I was always the 3rd or 4th Helen in my class at school and would often get confused and mixed up with other Helen's. Instead, I'd change it for something more mystical or nature inspired. I'm loving some of the names beginning with I - like India and Isla, and I also like traditional mens names that girls can use too like Sydney and Scout. I wouldn't go too out there though.
I like my name so if had to change it it I would go from Frances to Francois
by Fran
Hopefully, you meant Francoise, as you are obviously female.
by Rice
I am too indecisive to change my name
by AJ
Xarah or Ayesha (I use Xarah as an alias, but I wish it was my real name).
Ayesha is gorgeous!
by Finy
I don't mind my name but it's a bit hard when everyone gets it wrong ahah but i would change it to Natalie.
I like my name, even though people tend to pronounce it many different ways or put an "a" on the end. However, I always liked the name Eloise. If I had kids I was always going to name my little girl Eloise. Unfortunately, we couldn't have children so that didn't happen. And it's not such a great name for the pet cat hahaha.
My first name is just TOO religious! Would just shorten it, which I did when I started work a million years' ago! Have been known by that ever since. But still have to use longer name for all things legal eg bank accounts etc etc etc.
is it Joseph?
by Finy
Ah, no! Not a good name for a girl! Lol!
by donjo
Off subject, but the 'made up' names, especially so-called 'celebrities' naming of their children is beyond the pale, IMHO!

Have just head of a boy being named 'Haven'! Thought the grandma said 'Hayden', as was advising me over a mobile phone! Out there, truly!
I would be Joanne. I have no idea why but I have wanted to be Joanne since I was four or five years old.
by Rice
I wouldn't change my real name at all. Only one other girl with the same name in all the years I was at school. However for some odd reason quite a few people have called me Margaret which is nowhere near my name. I did ask one of them why she thought my name was Margaret as I'd been called it before and the answer was "because you look like a Margaret".
I like my 2nd name, which is what I've usually been called by. (My 3 siblings were also always called by their 2nd names) My 1st name is Carol, after my father Carl, but i would rather it had been Carla. When I 1st visited Paris, I'd always thought, if the name I use all the time, HAD to be changed, I would have loved it to have been...Paris or Isabella!
by Miro
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