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If you had the chance to go ANYWHERE for dinner tomorrow, where would you choose?

by Finy (follow)
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If you had the chance to go anywhere for dinner tomorrow, where would you choose, and why?

#Fine dining
#Eating out
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The International Space Station. Or if I'm not limited to places that actually exist, maybe Narnia.
If I didnt have to get on a plane and get there, I would go to one of the mountains in Germany or Europe and have one of my favourite dishes which is "Marillen Knoedel".

These are apricots with dough round them, cooked with a sugar cube inside, and then sometimes fried, and we eat them with melted butter and breadcrumbs on top.

hmmmmmmm -the thought alone makes me want them -mine are not as good as the ones on the mountains in Germany and Austria.
by Finy
That sounds divine!
OMG Finy! These sound so decadent - and yummy!
I don't want to go out for dinner tomorrow; I'd rather stay at home.
Bryony, do you EVER have 'positives' in your life?
by donjo
What is so negative about wanting to stay at home?
It seems by ALL your replies, that you possibly have a not very happy life. It's not just this one question; there seems a 'pattern' of unhappiness in your replies. Just trying to 'reach out' to a fellow human being. Do you find that too 'invasive'? If so, my apologies........
by donjo
I do have a mental illness that blights a lot of my life, but that doesn't mean I am unhappy all the time. I am akso take the terms loner and introvert to the extreme because I don't like social situations. I am much happier by myself.
Fair enough, & thank you.
by donjo
Definitely, a candle lit bush tucker dinner at Uluru. You can sit under the stars, while a didgeridoo plays and then the resident star talker guides you through all the constellations in the galaxy visible at that moment.
by Lucy
Great minds think alike Finy.....I was going to say 'the moon!'
by Fran
I would just love to eat there.Some nice little place,good food and great view.
Soaking up the place.
Paris would be wonderful!
Yes, Jonaj, I've never been there, so Paris would be good!
Then I could go atop Eiffel Tower! And visit the Louvre! What a lark! Cheers!
by donjo
I know :) one day...I will go....LOL

by jonaja
Or you could eat at the restaurant in the Eiffel Tower!
by Miro
by jonaja
My parents' house. I haven't seen them since May and they've both had quite a lot of serious health problems since then, so if I could chose to be anywhere it would be with them. In addition to the comfort factor of eating my mum's cooking, she is a super cook so I'd be a guaranteed a wonderful meal :)
My parents house
by AJ
I think Venice! And I'd have a gondola ride afterwards!
Oh! Yes, Sandy, & at a time when a Masque is being held!
by donjo
That gondola ride will cost you heaps, but if you don't have to pay for dinner, that would be OK! It's pretty nice in Venice, alright!
by Miro
To my mom's place.
I would return to 'Rules' Restaurant, Covent Garden, London.
Had a superb meal there, everything was 'just so'!

Would also go back to San Francisco, & dine at Restaurant where Dashiell Hamnett frequented.
Had 10th Wedding Anniversary Dinner there!
WOW! that sounds wonderful :) can I come tooo pweeze :)
by jonaja
Hi jonaj! The more, the merrier! Lol!
by donjo
My third choice would be to fly to Arabia, or near-by, & have 'dinner in the desert'.
Apparently, out of Dubai, it's just wonderful!

Whilst 'in the vicinity', would love to have a few nights' at Wadi Rhum, where parts of 'Lawrence of Arabia' were filmed!

One of my most enjoyable breakfasts I've ever had, was at the Nile Hilton, Cairo. The dates had been picked from the desert that morning! Was in the company of some good looking Sheiks!

Oh! To dream is just wonderful!
I'd love to return to PARIS, but this time to have a meal up the Eiffel Tower. I've been to Paris 5 times, the last time was for 10 days from the middle of August in '02, but I've never had a meal in the E.T!
by Miro
My daughter's place. Great food and great conversation.
by Rice
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