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If you had the body and the fame, would you pose nude for a magazine?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by imelenchon, morguefile.com

If you had the body and the fame, would you pose nude for a magazine?

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Even without the body or the fame I probably would. Would depend on the magazine, photographer, purpose, pay etc.
Very sensible. I laughed at myself because I would probably sit in the nude for an artist but not a photographer. Too "live" for me :-))
by Rice
I doubt it. What you see on the page isn't what goes on in a photo shoot and I can imagine all sorts of embarrassing slip ups. No fish eye lenses for me, thank you :-)
by Rice
No, I wouldn't. I would always feel that there would be SOMETHING wrong with me, that I didn't want the world to see, no matter how attractive I was considered to be. Peoples self concept would always take a beating. There might be a lump or bump that I could see, but the photographer doesn't, and it would really irk me to have it out there in such a public way. I guess I wouldn't need to worry in this day and age of photo shopping. You would need to have a huge ego to think that (a) you have a perfect body and (b) people would be interested in buying a magazine to see it. This does NOT apply to me. I doubt I would ever feel comfortable doing that, no matter how much money or fame I had. I think it is more to do with ones own sense of self importance. I don't need the adulation of the world to make me feel good about myself and my body.
No. I wouldn't be tempted. I feel you need to have a certain amount of exhibitionism to do that.
My kinda of question. As a matter of fact, been there, done that.
No, we did not have perfect bodies(by whose standards anyhow), and our only fame was that we had our story about us and our pics published here, and in various other places and times over a few years.

It was reported as,
Re:latest edition of Marie Claire magazine
(September 2008), an article on page 46 called "Real people- the naked truth" where couples tell about their first time seeing each other nude.
There on page 48 is a naturist couple who are members of the Free Beach Association Dave & then partner Jo.

Do we, now moved on and married, have the same ideas and would we do it today, yes.

Absolutely yes. The freedom and confidence gained even though we, all 3 of us, and our kids, where nudism as a family is the norm, and in public we are not ashamed of ourselves, we would yes, do it all again.

Then there is the Nude Wedding album........and Nude Life modeling which is another story.
This is a perspective I had not considered. Thanks for sharing. :)
by Vee
Not for ANY reason!
Nope. Wouldn't inflict the sight on anyone. You never know what poor devil would accidentally flick a page and be eye to eye with this body.
Oh! jonaj.........I agree with your thought for me, too!
The 'bat wings' alone would have no problem getting me to the 'bat cave'!
by donjo
No thank you.
by Gia
Yes, of course I would.
What is wrong with a naked body????
by Finy
No Never !
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