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If you had limited space, would you rather grow flowers or fruit?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: En.wikipedia.org

If you had limited space in your garden, would you rather grow flowers or fruit/vegetables?

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I rarely grow flowers apart from ones that come up each year e.g. irises. I do not remember when I last bought a seedling or plant purely as a flower as my yard is only small.

Out of vegetables and fruit, I grow far more vegetables as fruit often involves trees which I do not have room for.

I have several raised garden beds and grow herbs, and vegetables and currently have some many mini tomatoes, I have to give them away.

I now buy Eden seeds which are far better than the Bunnings seedlings, and although more expensive than other brands, they are far better and mostly sprout and go on to have nice vegetables/herbs. The other thing about seeds is you do not get 6 of everything coming up at once which I cannot use.
by Finy
Fruit. You often get lovely flowers on fruit trees anyway. Citrus smells lovely, and peaches, plums apricots and cherries have beautiful blossoms.
I would prefer to grow fruit and veg rather than flowers
by AJ
Neither. Much prefer trees which attract birds.
I love my flowers. The garden is looking lovely right now. Purple iris amongsr yellow and red roses, mauve, orange, white and pinkmroses with floral beds near the bottlebrush trees and then the palms and bromelaids under the carport with baskets of pansies under the gazebo. It's so relaxing looking at the blooms. Out back are 100+ orchids at different stages of growth and flower and raised garden beds for veggies and a lime tree in a pot. Also grow strawberries in pots as well as a raspberry bush as the yard isn't big so this arrangement suits us.
AI would always grow flowers even if there was only room for a pot plant. Colour and beauty doesn't need a large area. With plenty of creativity and imagination you could still have the best house on the street . I have never had an interest in growing fruit. So many things can go wrong with fruit trees and there are so many pests. I couldn't be bothered. We would never eat all the fruit. We would have to be continually eating fruit or continually in the kitchen making jams and jellies. Plus there's the spraying of the fruit trees. I have more important things to do. Rather be out in my garden creating a beautiful place to relax.
Being a totally mad-keen potterer among my plants,I simply could not live with a small space!!So I do not really know how to answer this adequately!! I suppose that flowering herbs would be a good option, then I could use the leaves and also enjoy the pretty little blooms! I do this anyway in my larger area, but I also have so many flowering plants,whether small annuals or Bushes like Roses and Hibiscus, and I also have my native trees which bring in the birds and butterflies with their delicious flowers as well!! Any plant which produces fruit and many vegetables will have lovely flowers so you do get the best of both worlds when growing food items of your own. But I think overall,I have to vote for the FLOWERS!!
I definitely prefer fruits and vegies. I only plant flowers for the purpose of attracting bees to my vegie garden.
I would have some essential fruits such as citrus and have some flowering plants as well. Markets are not too far away from where I live and we get plenty of fruits and vegetables at a very reasonable cost. Besides I have friends who grow fruit and vegetables and don't know what to do with it. They feel relieved when I accept some. So I'd rather enjoy what I like.
Fruit for sure. Some fruit trees are quite beautiful when they are flowering.
by Gia
Every time.
I love your flower photo here, Jonaja.
by Miro
by jonaja
whatever has the highest cash value.
by fake

I thought I would answer fruit, but flowers can really spruce up a space. You know, I'll stick with the fruit. As Jennifer has pointed out, many of them do grow beautiful flowers.
by Vee
I'd rather have flowers, as the insects get into the fruit trees. A friend has a nectarine tree. It didn't used to get the grubs, but then it did, & she has tried everything to get rid of them, including ringing & emailing various departments of health (?) etc but still no success, as nothing has worked. We had a self seeded peach tree, which of cause has beautiful pink flowers before the fruit, but the fruit is always no good. We can't grow veggies & herbs, because we have possums. We don't have many flowers, just a lot of greenery. A lot of our stuff is still in pots, as we're awaiting to have a garden revamp, after living here for 38 & 1/2 years.
by Miro
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