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If you had a spare space in your house, how would you fill it?

by Finy (follow)
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If you had a spare space in your house like this picture, how would you fill it?

#Fill space
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I actually do not know as I have enough space in my 3 bedroom house for one with a double garage!
I would perhaps put all my llama wool that is ready for spinning in the room as I have about 20 boxes of it and will never get it done in my lifetime!
I have paid a lot to get it prepared to the stage it is at but seem to have lost the interest in spinning so do not really know what to do with it.

If i put it all in a room it would not clutter my garage so much.
by Finy
Why not donate it to the local spinners group on the condition that they come and pick it up ! You won't know yourself with all that space !
by Lluxi
Too easy!! I would make it into a library!!!
An awesome suggestion, Jules.
You answer thief, you!! Hahahahahaha.
by Rice
Even though I have my beloved Kindle I would still . . . . .
by Rice
I am genuinely sorry that I stole your answer.And I am honoured to know that we true bookworms still would adore having a library!!!
by Jules
However, my photo is in error . . . . it needs two chairs . . . how WOULD we drink tea and chat otherwise?? LOL
by Rice
Well, the space in the picture looks the perfect size to fill with people and hold a square dance !!! We have a shed that is fairly big, but not quite as big as the photo. Part of it was made into a workshop by the previous owner, so we have tools and a work bench in there. At the moment we have some furniture in the rest of it, plus lawn mowers and the usual stuff you have in sheds. If you are not sure how to fill this room the size of the picture, you CAN rent out the space for storage. I have seen ads on Gumtree where unused garages, sheds and large rooms can be rented out for extra cash. A lot of people would be interested, as it would be cheaper than one of those storage sheds.
I would make a study with a customized work station from whi h to work. I really do not do well working with distractions so now I work when everyone is sleeping.
Well first this is not a house in the pic....so working on the (amount) that the picture is showing, that is spare......... I would Cut it into 2 spaces.
One third a spare bedroom, can never have enough.
The rest would be a very large lounge room.
Even if it had to be a 2nd on, and it would have huge windows, and look onto the outside, where I would have made a amazzzzing garden.
It would depend on the size of the space. But if it was a large enough space I would build a granny flat
by AJ
Isn't that the stuff of dreams.

I would turn it into a pottery studio and play in clay to my hearts content. hmmm how long till the kids move out ;)
If I had spare space in my house I would love to have a family room looking outside.
My husband and I already live in a farily large house and I am more interested at this stage of my life in decluttering. We have kept so many things over our lifetime that we have no use or sentimental attachment to. If we had less space I suspect we would have passed them on a long time ago. I have started going through it all and donating things to op shops.
Well Done to you!!! I have given several items to the local charities for selling in their stores, However, I have so many old and antique books, as this has been my lifelong collecting passion, that I will never be able to cull THOSE!! Hence my desire for a beautiful library room!!
by Jules
We created a spare space by not making the third room a bedroom. We have created a small study there. Shelves contains books and other tech stuff. There is a table that holds laptop and monitors. But I want to add more books to the shelf and make it a mini library as well. I always wanted to have a little study/library where I can spend time reading. I just need to start collecting enough books, add a small sofa or comfortable armchair to curl up and read.
I'm afraid we'd NEVER have a spare space in our house unfortunately!
by Miro
With the books that are packed away in boxes creating an eyesore in my bedroom...after I've fashioned it into an actual room.
by Vee
I could do so many things with a spare room! But right now with young kids and all their toys I'd turn the room into a kids playroom so I didn't have to navigate around toys with every step!
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