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If you had a choice of one, would you cook or clean?

by Finy (follow)
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Cooking or cleaning?

If you only had to do one of these, which one would you prefer?

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I am the total opposite of you in this one Jonaj!

I HATE cleaning with a passion and would not do it if I have any choice whatsoever. I have rarely done my own cleaning and would rather have spent extra time working than having to clean a house.

Yet I will cook all day long, as I am doing today, as I enjoy creating, and have visitors tonight who appreciate my food.

Eating is a pleasant chore, cleaning is a horrible chore!

by Finy
I get a real buzz from cleaning, making everything spick-n-span. :)
Call me crazy...lol...lol
by jonaja
Just as well we are all different Jonaj, or who would do my cleaning -LOL!
by Finy
Now that depends on what kitchen I was cooking in and what has to be cleaned.
More details required before I commit either way.
Most definitely cook, because when you cook or have someone cook for you the detail or otherwise of a clean, untidy or dirty house, fades into nothingness. The joy and process of cooking attracts guests and family (depending on the occasion) and builds to a cresendo of eating, talking, enjoyment and friendship or family time. Worth any hour, minute or second cleaning.
Cooking every time a lot more creative than cleaning the toilet
CLEAN every single time.

It use to be the other way around, but not interested really now in any cooking!
Life changes.
Made way tooooo many meals in my day.
Cook every time. I enjoy cooking and find it fun and relaxing even whereas cleaning really feels like a chore.
I'd definitely cook. When I have the time I can be creative with the meals I prepare, whereas cleaning is simply work and doesn't require any particular skill or imagination. I don't particularly hate cleaning, but I definitely prefer to cook.
Cooking definitely!
by AJ
I would COOK any day any time if I had the choice between cooking or cleaning. I don't have the eye for cleaning!
Cook! Don't even like cleaning the mess in the kitchen after the cooking part is over
Definitely 'cook'....cooking is creative and interesting....cleaning...well...what can I say...b-o-r-I-n-g
by Fran
Cook of course making the mess is easier than cleaning
Cooking (even all day) and then whistle up whomever chose to do cleaning to get the kitchen sparkling !
Do you have a spare one of these people around?? please....
by Finy
Hey Finy, just choose one from the "I prefer cleaning list" ha ha
by fran.
I would much rather cook! I love cooking and luckily I have a husband who is happy to clean up after me in exchange for my food!
Oh! Cooking by miles!
Hate housework/cleaning. Always have, don't see the point in dusting eg furniture, to have it in same condition within 24hours! Much better things to do! Had to do it at home when I was a kid, every Saturday morning!
Now get a 'cleaning lady' in!
I'd much rather COOK than CLEAN, & I don't even mind cleaning up the kitchen, after cooking, but I never get around to doing any other work around the house. I'm far too lazy! My lovely laptop, I spend far to many hours on every day, is the worst present my husband has ever bought me!!! Ha ha.
by Miro
Whats wrong with spending hours on your lap top if that what you enjoy doing? Who does do the cleaning at your place? Do you pay someone to do it?
by Lluxi
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