If you eat meat, how do you like your steak cooked?
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I have it now and then.
I like it slightly rare, not really rare, just a tad.
Exactly like in my picture :)
Yes, that does look good!
Medium rare for me thanks!
I'm not keen on steak, but if I were to have it, I'd want it well done. It makes me cringe when I watch cooking programmes, and I see the meat all pink in the middle. The cooks say it is perfectly done, and if you can't see pink it is over done. My opinion is if you can see pink, it is under done.
Definitely agree with you Bryony. We say the same thing when we see the almost uncooked meat on these programs. When we were younger mum always said we'd get worms if we ate meat that wasn't cooked through.
Medium rare with a gorgeous side salad and a dollop of Dijon mustard.
That is a definite MEDIUM-RARE -I do not like it done anymore than that and would probably not eat it if it were even done medium -I like it to be still pink in the middle.
It melts in your mouth and is delightful -now this is a funny comment coming from me who has been almost a vegetarian for some 15 years now!
I used to have steak once a month thinking it would be good for iron levels however have stopped doing that as will only buy organic and the shop I get it for is quite a long way away.
Medium-rare, but more towards rare than medium. Definitely NOT 'blue'. Eeeewwww!
Medium-rare, but MORE towards rare than medium.
Wherever & whenever I order this, it gets cooked to 'perfection' for me! VERY happy!
Rare or medium rare. Cooking a steak until it's well done takes the juiciness out of the meat. I find that it's pointless to have it that way. I also read an article recently that stated it was healthier to eat your meat rare or medium rare. Apparently well cooked steak changes the chemical make up of the meat and you also miss out of the nutrients it would normally provide. I'll try to find a link to this article...
Rare. Then it is at its most juiciest and full of flavour
Yes I eat meat, but I don't eat steak! My husband likes his steak medium rare, & I'm getting better at cooking it for him now, after following on-line instructions!
Well done. Very well done. No pink. No mooing or oinking.
Medium/medium rare please. Jonaj's picture looks perfect!
Medium rare. Not medium - well done.
My meat has to be very well done all the way through, if I see a bit of pink it puts me off.
medium rare, not too lean. Best steak I think is scotch fillet, great flavour
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