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If you could remain one age for the rest of your life, what age would it be?

by Vee (follow)
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Birthday cake
Image by earl53

I've had this discussion with my sisters multiple times, and each time we all agree that it would be ideal to remain somewhere between 26 and 35 years old for life. It may be a silly idea, but it's also a practical one.

If you could remain one age for the rest of your life, what age would it be?

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this age 30
of course that pic was take 30 years ago .
by jonaja
Jonaj -is that really you??? or did you take it out of a movie magazine! You are so gorgeous if it is you.
by Finy
Yes that pic is me
by jonaja
jonaj, you are gorgeous!!! Those looks won't have faded in 30 years . . .that's good genes, girl!
by Rice
oH! they have faded....LOL....but i keep out of the sun, which does a lot of skin damage :)
by jonaja
I think that would have to be age 21 as that is when I first married as was "happy as Larry", had no cares, and just existed to love and be loved!
by Finy
I get what your saying...time changes everything!
by jonaja
That's an interesting question. Yeah, I think 26-35 is a good age range. About 25 is when I started looking definitely old enough that I don't have to show ID any more to buy alcohol, and stopped getting people asking what grade I was in or whether I was on school holidays. Younger than that would be too young for me. But at 34 I still feel pretty young, so I'd be happy to stay like this.
Your ''30's'' are the Best!!
Believe me :) lol...I had a Ball.
by jonaja
I'm certainly enjoying it so far. :)
The age when I met my first boyfriend, though we were not together finally.
Any age range in your twenties between 20-27 - you have the best time of your lfie before your Saturn Return kicks in! Otherwise stay a baby too lol
Saturn Return?
by Vee
Yeah! what is Saturn return?..never heard of it.
by jonaja
17. Peak of fitness, super confident, smart, know everything, nothing much bad has happened, no responsibilities and lots of time for fun. Perfect!
I wish I was confident at 17! Haha.
by Vee
I think women in their 30s look great and have far more confidence they usually
Know where their at work wise,if married with kids still young enough to enjoy
13-19! Excellent years' for me!
18! I was at the peak of my sporting prowess in many School Events, plus Horse Riding, as a hobby.
Trouble is, in some ways, still feel that age in the mind, but the body can't catch up! Lol!
29. That was the last year I was healthy.
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