Dream trip would be here to Hawaii, then cruise Alaska Passage, then go to Machu Picchu, then onto Patagonia, Iguazzu Falls, Havana, Iceland, Scandanavia (all), Nthn Ireland, Cruise the Rhine, Nthn Spain, Florence, Istanbul, Turkey, Jordan, Agra, Xian, & then home. All First Class air travel, Tours, cruises & Hotels, of course!
My interests Thereby Covered of Geology & Ancient History!
Need one of those 20-30 mill lotto wins, methinks!
Your dream trip, Donjo, would be even better if it was Sydney Au return! Have you been to Hawaii yet? NOT a good time to go now though of cause. Will there be anything left of the island soon which isn't covered in lava? We've been to that volcano twice. Got a lot closer to it the 1st time though, back in 2004. It was fun walking all over the old lava though, & taking photos. (I don't know where the photos are now!)