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If you could plan a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?

by Finy (follow)
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Disregarding money and the cost of a trip, if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

#Round World
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I think I would go to parts of the US again as I just loved the Canyons and did not do them all.
I also love the hospitality of Americans, and their friendliness to Australians -well many of them, I guess I cannot generalise.

Or I would go to Greece as I have not been there yet.
by Finy
I would like to return to Europe and see it in more depth as went when I was young and...know I would have a very different 'perspective' now and see and appreciate much more ie the architecture, art and culture...than I did then...hmmm
by Fran
Mother Russia!
I just LOVE the people, they are so strong...and have gone thought a lot.
Antarctica - would be like nowhere else in the world.
Oh! rusco, did day flight to there with QANTAS! 13 hours' round trip, with 3 hours' sightseeing over our Territory!
Absolutely marvellous experience, as the weather was perfect!
Better than by boat, IMHO!
by donjo
At the moment I'm busting to go to Hawaii, but if money's no object, then I'd pick the Seychelles because the airfare is so $$ for us in Oz, with a stop on the way in Sweden to see the Northern Lights and a stop on the way home in Antartica...
by AJ
I would love to do an African safari trip or to visit French Polynesia. Either would be life changing.
I would love to go to Alaska,I imagine the scenery and the quiet
Would be spectacular

Especially in the 'Valley of 10,000 Smokes', Denali NP! Cheers!
by donjo
We've been on 2,14 night Alaskan cruises, Maura. Yes, beautiful, lovely & quite.
by Miro
I've always wanted to see Paris and go on one of those luxurious space ship cruises where butlers are supplied. That is luxury.
Dream trip would be here to Hawaii, then cruise Alaska Passage, then go to Machu Picchu, then onto Patagonia, Iguazzu Falls, Havana, Iceland, Scandanavia (all), Nthn Ireland, Cruise the Rhine, Nthn Spain, Florence, Istanbul, Turkey, Jordan, Agra, Xian, & then home. All First Class air travel, Tours, cruises & Hotels, of course!
My interests Thereby Covered of Geology & Ancient History!

Need one of those 20-30 mill lotto wins, methinks!
Believe it or not, Donjo, Hawaii is not all that wonderful. There's many other places I'd rather go too!
by Miro
Miro, I'd only be going to Hawaii to see the Volcanology, & fly over Kilauea at night! Cheers!
by donjo
Your dream trip, Donjo, would be even better if it was Sydney Au return! Have you been to Hawaii yet? NOT a good time to go now though of cause. Will there be anything left of the island soon which isn't covered in lava? We've been to that volcano twice. Got a lot closer to it the 1st time though, back in 2004. It was fun walking all over the old lava though, & taking photos. (I don't know where the photos are now!)
by Miro
I’ve been to: Paris 5 times, Greece, Hawaii, cruised Alaska twice for 14 nights each cruise, Only been to about 10 places in the USA though, so would love to visit every state of the USA. We’ve also been on a safari in Zimbabwe in 1992.
So I would love a couple of those European cruises, I promised my husband a Antarctic cruise for his 60th birthday, (10 years ago!) He still hasn’t taken me up on that offer. Would love to see Russia, & travel around every European country. I hear Ireland, & Scotland & Wales are also worth visiting, so I’d have to go there as well!
Oh! miro_.......Great Britain & Sthn Ireland, I've been to several times. Absolutely fantastic, in every way! Have yet to get to Nthn Ireland. There're just so many wonderful places in England, Scotland, & Wales. Do go, if you can, you won't regret it! Cheers!
by donjo
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