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If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?

by VerityG (follow)
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Hundertwasserhaus Germany house architecture
Photo via Wikimedia Commons

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be? Let your imaginations go wild.... :)

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A canal boat in the UK. Not sure where exactly, but that's the joy of them! Try out somewhere, and if you don't like it you just plod off somewhere else!

Yeah. I'm with you.
by fran.
I've lived in several different countries now and am literally just about to move "back home", so all I can think about is living there! But.... if I could really live anywhere, hmmm I think the South of England with a holiday gite in France, in the 1920s.
I would live exactly where I am living now - although our house will have doubled in size.
I love living in Melbourne but I also love living in Ireland both equally amazing places just offer different things
Bora Bora thank you :)
Still in Queensland, but somewhere rural.
Our dream is to live somewhere fairly rural where we can have a HUGE vegie patch, some chickens, some cows, a big orchard and pretty much just "get back to basics". Presently we live in Cairns and have our eyes on the Tablelands - I'm looking forward to growing my own coffee!
I know Bryony has already said she would choose to live where she does but that's my answer too. However I am happy with my house even though it is small. I don't want to live anywhere else but I would be happy to travel a little.
Love the picture - is it Gaudi? On my list of places to visit.

However, living now in Queensland after being born and brought up in Edinburgh, moving to Norfolk (UK), and then migrating to Australia (Melbourne) - this is definitely the place to live.
Maleny, Q'l'd. OR

Queenstown, N.Z.
Probably where I do live - Perth
by Finy
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