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If you could have ANY animal, which one would you chose?

by Finy (follow)
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If you could have any animal (ignoring logistics, cost etc), which one would you chose?

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that is an easy one - assuming I could only have ONE animal - it would have to be DOGS.

I have had llamas, geese, Indian runner ducks, cats, and all have delightful, different personalities and I so enjoyed my time with all these animals however my dog once saved my life, and dogs are my constant 24/7 companions, so I would not hesitate in saying dogs.
The other animals, although I had strong bonds with the llamas, they were not with me 24/7 like my dogs are.

Can't go past man's best friend!
by Finy
Anything from the cat family. Cats, lions, tigers. They are so cute, cuddly and loving.
Dogs (except the toy breed). I love dogs that are good companions and they are good security guards.
I agree about the toy breeds! I actually prefer larger dogs
by Finy
. . any animal (ignoring logistics, cost etc)
If they were real . . . a dragon!
by Rice
by AJ
I've always had dogs throughout my life, but if I could choose another it would be an elephant, but I also love lions, the males I love the mane of hair.
I truly adore all animals, but my dogs have been such amazing therapy and cheerful support that I think I would have to choose a dog above all other animals.
Easy - a Tasmanian Tiger. Love them, such gutsy, adorable little guys & guaranteed to keep interlopers away! LOL
Erm . . they are extinct . . . did you mean Tas Devils? . . . . or are you like me and wishing for the unavailable . .? :-))
by Rice
As cute as animals are I prefer to have not the responsibility of any animal. Have never been attached to the dogs or cats we have had over the years as I thought it was important that our children grew up with animals. However when they left home the dog & cat went with one of them.
One of these will do.

Love them :)
It's not super imaginative, but I'd like a large dog, like an Irish wolfhound. Always wanted them, but they're too big for me (cost more to keep, wouldn't fit in the car etc. etc.). I'd also like a llama, an alpaca or a pet pig.
My favourite animal, since '68, has been a monkey, but after that it would be an elephant or a house kitten/cat.
by Miro
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