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If you could choose the sex of your baby, would you?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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chromosomes, human metaphase spread, xy
Detail of a human metaphase spread. Photo by Steffen Dietzel

New technology brings new ethical dilemmas. If it were possible for you to choose the sex of your child, would you do it? What do you think would be the implications of such a choice being widely available?

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While it is okay to wish for a certain gender, being able to put that wish into practice is a whole different matter. It has both ethical, social, and environmental consequences that we are already seeing the results of in some countries that favour one gender over another.
My brother-in-law & his wife, kept trying for a boy, but stopped at FOUR girls!
by donjo
Great question. No, I think it is morally and ethically wrong to choose the sex of a baby for a personal preference.
I really didn't mind whether my babies were male or female (so much so that I didn't even find out their sex while I was pregnant) . I know some people really want one or the other but I think the consequences for society as a whole could be bad if people were allowed to choose. You might end up with ratio of the sexes skewed the way it currently is in China and India where boys are preferred.
The ancient Greeks used to toss any female or 'malformed' baby down into closest ravine. Or if that wasn't available, leave on hillside to die.
They only wanted male babies' so they could become warriors!
Nice types!
by donjo
It's not natural to have that power.I certainly would never do it.
I can understand people wanting to have a girl if they had all boys ect.
But......some things are to be left alone,I think it has a somewhat
p.s.......... I have to agree Jennifer to what you said...in regard to China.
by jonaja
I have two girls, and a lot of people ask if we'll have another, "so you can have a boy". I think it's such a silly thing to ask. I would never choose the gender of my baby, and I would never try to have another child just to get a boy or a girl. I think it's fine to want one or the other - I know having two girls has been useful in pratical terms of reusing clothes - but to actually be able to choose, or to value a boy more than a girl, is not right.
Went to School with EIGHT GIRLS' from the one set of parents'. They were very wealthy, but 'luck' wasn't on their side!
by donjo
If I could choose, I wouldn't want to. Some things are not for us to decide. I was horrified to learn that a woman in Melbourne terminated her pregnancy with twin boys because she was 'desperate' for a girl. She and her partner are now fighting for the right to choose the sex of their next baby through IVF. Besides, isn't the health and wellbeing of Baby much more important than its sex?
by Vee
A 'greater' murder than the usual abortion?
by donjo
No. I had boys, and I thought I wanted another boy - but I got a girl and I love having a girl. So if I'd chosen, I would have missed out. I think some things are good if they're out of our control...
No, as there's enough happening in the world with human beings playing God. It's so wrong, it's beyond the pale, IMO.
This is one of the reasons I don't believe in IVF. Already getting to the 'slippery slope' with that in THREE parent children.
In the Bible, there is a word used for women who can't conceive....'barren'. It was designed on the 'natural selection' process, so that ALL could be an equilibrium.
The way humans are multiplying at such a normal rapid rate, then throw IVF into the mix, the world's produce is becoming, very rapidly, unsustainable to support the population.
The three parent child thing is not something done just for kicks, it's to avoid transmitting a life threatening illness from mother to child. That's the same kind of "playing God" that doctors do all the time. Saving lives and improving quality of life is their job. Also, the Bible has nothing to say about IVF, or a great many other modern inventions

Am STILL entitled to my opinion, no matter what YOU say!
by donjo
Of course you are entitled to your opinion. I was trying to have a discussion about it.
girl girl and then girl again, the 21st century is a girl century without doubt. one really need on or two boys for ever dozen or so girls it would make for a much better world in my view.
sure would. female only
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