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If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?

by Finy (follow)
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If you could bring one person back from the dead (and it need not be one you actually knew), who would it be?

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I would bring back Freddie Mercury as per the picture.

I think he was one of the all time greats of the entertainment world, and just love his music, and his performance in the Rocky Horror Show.

by Finy
Oh! I would bring Freddie back too but Tim Curry was in Rocky Horror, Finy :-) He is in a wheelchair now due to a stroke, poor man.
by Rice
I would like to have met my grandparents - I know it's more than 1 but i couldn't choose between them
by AJ
by Fran
My dear Brother Phil, who left us, by his own hand 20 years ago
joan -my daughter also the same 22 years ago....
by Finy
You never get over it do you?
by joan_
no Joan -you do not, and people do not understand...
by Finy
I would bring back Nelson Mandella such an inspiration
My partner's sister, because she died too young.
My cousin with whom I used to Skype with using sign language. That woman inspired me on levels that are inexplicable.
I don't know. Although I would like to see my grandma again, I feel uncomfortable with the idea of bringing her back from the dead. What would she be like after being in the beyond?

I might be interested in bringing a historical figure back in order to learn more about the past, but still, that ethical question runs round in my mind.
Heath Ledger, in my opinion one of the best actors we have ever seen.
We need people like Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela in this world. Wish they could live on forever. But I would choose Princess Diana.
My husband's father. I would love to have met him.
by Vee
John Denver

My dad, because we have realised on his death the central part to his family and whilst we were very close it would be something special to have him realise the part he played but telling him face to face, rather than having it implied........
I would bring back my Dad's sister. She died aged 21 and I am named after her. I don't think he has ever gotten over her passing, and it is a beautiful thought to consider his life with her in it.
My dad
Tough one, my brother or my Dad, would be nice to have both back in Mum's and my lives.
Margaret Whitlam
Raj kapoor the famous Indian actor of the 50s
there are many to mention but since you started this by showing Freddy Mercury
I'd stick to music & say Elvis Presely.
Our sons Owen & James, nothing could ever fill the gaping hole left by their sudden deaths.

I'm sorry to hear that...i can relate -have also lost 2 children.
by Finy
My grandfather. He died at the age of 104 last year. He had a very interesting life as a christian missionary. I would love to sit with him and write his story. I do miss him heaps. we all do.
My mum :(
Me, if I consider I have shuffled off this mortal coil too soon.
I think my friend Heather gone in 6 weeks too young too quick
John Lennon - we need more fantastic music from him.
My Dad. We lost him eight years ago and I miss him every single day
I am going to be greedy and chose two:

My brother who died 29 years ago aged 17. I would have him back for good.

Jesus who could stay for a little bit while we had a chat :)
My Mother! she died one month after I married, of recurring cancer. It's been 41years' now & I miss her every single day. We were great 'mates' went everywhere & did everything together. She was sooooo ahead of her time. She was only 63....too young......
My beloved toy poodle who had to be euthanaised 11 years ago. She taught me how to love, and whn she passed, I lost that ability.
that is sad -I find that I learn again when I get another dog...it helps me get over one
by Finy
My husband - eighteen months since his death and the loss is still devastating for me.
Without a doubt my Dad. He was a wonderful man and his loss is felt everyday.
I'll stick with Finy . . Freddie Mercury. It's too hard to try to decide on a personal level.
by Rice
My dad. He died in May '77 aged 68 from cancer. I'd love to be able to tell him again, how much I loved him.
by Miro
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