I couldn't leave my wife, bug if she wanted and could go as well, then yes. I think it would be amazing to be a pioneer like that. As Vee said, it would be idiotic ans selfish of us as a race to go to another planet because we destroyed ours, but hopefully before we find a means to actually get to one of these planets, we have learned form our mistakes here.
We have not destroyed ours.
You are a victim of a group who have grabbed the chance to generate cash and control by selling you a false belief.
Parts of our major living areas are under stress because of our methods but I assure you this planet will continue long after we have dropped off the list of inhabitants.
I would suggest that you take a long bush walk in a remote place and see the vast areas still functioning perfectly.
Sea levels have risen and fallen several times over millions of years.
The planet temperature has increased and declined multiple times with out any human intervention.
It is time we all took a look the size and age of our universe to get a better understanding of the facts.