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If you could avoid menopause, would you?

by Vee (follow)
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sperm and egg
Image of fertilisation by ScienceGenetics. Sourced from Wikimedia Commons

Scientists believe that in about twenty years from now we will be able to effectively do away with menopause. More study needs to be done in the area of reproductive science, but what ‘experts’ believe is that, with this feat, women will be able to have children naturally much later in life.

Will this ‘development’ be a blessing or a curse? What do you make of the possible implications of ‘eradicating’ menopause? If you could avoid menopause, would you?

I for one don’t want to have to worry about family planning and unplanned pregnancies at seventy-five.

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Do away with menopause …. that's unbelievably scary!

Every time we mess with women's hormones like that we discover later that it's unhealthy. I won't be a guinea pig. We know menopause is a complex stage in life, but we also know that women survive it!

I'm really looking forward to not having to worry about contraception or bleeding anymore!
I'd like there to be a point when I don't have to worry about menstruation and birth control any more. Of couse I say that from the privileged perspective of having had all the kids I want to have already.
i would like to do away with menopause altogether. I hated the whole thing. Took 5 years to complete. When my mother was going thru menopause, she was absolutely unbearable and I wasn't much better. But I wouldn't be wanting to put up with problems every month til I was 70ish either.
We women have a lot to endure in life don't we.I have to say, and I mean this I will be glad when it's all over.
by jonaja
Take away the issue of having children longer.

For a Vast amount of women, Menopause is a curse!
I have gone through (I think) the worst part, and it nearly sent me crazy.

A lot of women won't talk about it, I guess because we don't want to upset our girlfriends...but it can be hell.....so if they do away with it, I'm thinking it is far more for that reason.
For some women(few) it makes no impact.

For others, it makes a big one esp for husbands, whose wife is suffering.
Mood changes, hot flushes, anxiety, depression....If my doctor had not given me a script for meds, I do not know what would have happened to me.

So I Fully embrace it, and I do know a great deal of other women will too.

It would be hoped that the next generation have a plain sailing through this time in a woman's life.
People who are not affected hear the word 'menopause', and it really has no impact...unless they know someone going through it.

It also can cause a lot of unhappiness in families....To the ladies who feel it could or would be a problem of falling pregnant at a late age, that is something worth (family planning measures) compared to menopause.

That may seem like a uneducated statement, but 'menopause needs addressing big time and quickly.
I'm not just talking for myself, I know a lot of women right now, suffering from it, and it go's on day after day.
I would also say the doctors know the impact it has all round, and it must be a driving force of wanting to do away with one of life's debilitating seasons in a woman's life.
I agree with every word you have written Jonah. I don't know how my family put up with me. Also throughout my working life and particularly for the last 10 years of work I observed, with experience, how many women should not have been at work and in particular how many menopausal women should not have had management positions or positions of power - definitely not balanced mentally. IMO
by fran.
I know Fran, it is quite dreadful what happens to a lot of women.
I also had to go on mild anti-depressants, and a lot do.
The chronic mood swings can happen to anyone, and all the natural stuff, makes no impact.
Been there done that.As for women in the work force who have it bad....I'M Hearing ya sister! OMG, they are soooo bad.Dear Lord, bring help and quick.LOL

by jonaja
Wow. It must be the scientist in me, but how could they possibly do that? Every egg a woman has is made before she's even born!

Do you have a link Vee? I'm not doubting you, just curious :) I studied developmental biology at uni and it's all so interesting!

As for the question, I really don't know. I'm far enough away that the idea of menopause isn't really that scary.
Sorry Rachael, I saw it on 'The Project', so the only like I have is for that particular episode: http://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/the-project/2014/9/22 I tried searching Google, but wasn't successful.

I agree that is sounds interesting, but - like with so many other things - I'm sure if these scientists are successful, there will be negative side-effects. Though, upon reading jonaj's response, I can see why some people would be for such a development.
by Vee
Me too Vee: I had no idea there was so much trauma involved until I saw jonaj's response.

Going to watch the project... :)
Maybe they just meant getting rid of the unpleasant symptoms rather than menopause itself. I hear it is really hard for some women. However, menstruation is really hard for some women too so for them it might be a blessing.

If you use the pill continuously (without taking the sugar pils that give you withdrawl bleeding) then presumably you would delay menopause by a few years. Maybe it's something along those lines?
They were pretty adamant that women would be able to have children naturally later in life. I suppose only time will tell.
by Vee
NO, i would not like to "tinker" with nature to such an extent.

There is a reason for everything happening in a human body, and I do not think tampering with this huge event, would be good.

However, it would be nice to not lose hormones and have the problems associated with this!!
by Finy
Finy have you had any problems with it...or not at that stage yet... :)
by jonaja
I don't think I would want to avoid menopause...if menopause was avoidable the body would avoid it...
by Vee
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